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  • I wish I would learn to deal with the anger I feel towards my family better. Sometimes I just lash out and yell and overdo it. Not that they don't cross the line either, but that's no excuse for me to do it too. Sometimes I wish that when they refuse to see my point of view I would just let it go or talk calmly rather than blowing up and becoming overwhelmed with stress.
  • I want to strengthen the amount of willpower I have. I cave in a lot of the time when I shouldn't. I'm improving on this though.
  • I need to stop being so lazy. When I want to get something done, I'll work hard to finish that goal. But if I don't feel motivated, I just won't do much of anything. Mainly I just need to start waking up before 1 PM. I'd prefer if I woke up at 9 AM or at least started getting accustomed to that.
  • I wish I knew how to "properly" argue with my sister. Honestly though, with her I don't think that there is a realistic way that this would work. The only thing I have to keep in mind is to just let her get her way, because there really is no arguing with her or she'll hold a grudge for like a bajillion years. >.<
  • I wish that I would have helped out my mom more with the housework in the past. I want to start doing this now so that she won't feel as burdened by it. I want my parents to come home to a clean house so that they are less prone to stress everyday.
  • I wish I wouldn't overthink certain situations. Being sensitive isn't a bad thing or anything, but sometimes I overanalyze to the point where I'm making something out of nothing and freaking out for no apparent reason. I need to learn how to wield/control this properly.
  • I also need to worry less. Sometimes when I worry everything I'm thinking becomes so irrational. Problems don't get fixed by putting them off or worrying, so I want to get better at facing them head on right away. I'm not saying I shouldn't be concerned about some things, but worrying too much isn't good for anyone, and it kind of puts a damper on anything else you try to do.
  • I don't want to be so scared of everything anymore. I want to be brave, courageous. I want to take more risks and live life instead of being so introverted. I am scared I'm ruining my own life, I can't let that happen.
  • I don't want to make decisions/be influenced by my feelings of jealousy or anger.
jul 11 2009 ∞
sep 1 2011 +