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Thirteen Random Things You Like

Learning... Thinking... Writing... Watching the sun rise... Cold weather... Stargazing... Cooking... Getting lost in good books... Rain... Long walks... Deep conversations... Painting... Spending time with loved ones

Twelve Great Movies

The Matrix... The Dark Knight... Mad Max: Fury Road... Pride & Prejudice... The Prestige... Ever After... Triangle... Hocus Pocus... The Princess Bride... Rush Hour... It's a Wonderful Life... Memento

Eleven Great Books

The Qur'an... Sahifa-e Sajjadiya... Tao te Ching... The Count of Monte Cristo... Letters to a Young Poet... The Little Prince... What Dreams May Come... The Gift: Poems by Hafiz... Eternal Manifestations... Watchmen... The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Ten Physical Traits

jun 29 2010 ∞
apr 25 2024 +
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Enneagram 497/479 Tritype

"This is the sort of sprite or fairy like tritype. There is a need to remain positive while still searching for meaning. The life mission is that this is the true healer archetype... They like to inspire people toward happiness through expressing their creativity in a peaceful non-intrusive way.

You see the wonder in beauty and are gentle, lyrical, and idealistic in the way you relate to others. You are attracted to the healing profession or arts. Your life mission is to identify what is truly meaningful in life and help people transform negative feeling into positive change. A true gentle spirit, you feel happiest when you have creative expression to reconnect with your innermost self and facilitate change. Your blind spot is that you can be so focused on ideal circumstances that you become trapped in magical thin...

dec 3 2020 ∞
jun 25 2022 +
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  • unassuming, unjudging company
  • calm, uninterrupted silence
  • a long and tender embrace
  • a friendly hand to hold
  • permission to cry freely
  • a change of perspective
  • time away
  • attentive listening with no intent to rationalize or reply
  • a heartfelt reminder of precisely what they mean and how wonderful they truly are
  • reassurance that things will eventually get better, and examples of ways this may happen
  • subtle encouragement to remember all the beautiful things in life... a surprise hike in the woods, a picnic at the park, etc; preferably something they enjoy
  • a reminder that God is the greatest of healers, acquainted with every pain, aware of every heartache... and that He knows.
jul 15 2010 ∞
sep 17 2016 +
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To live with a healthy balance of humility, integrity, & gratitude

To approach life with passion, vivacity, & courage

To keep alive the innate wonder, softness, & love at the core of my being

To cultivate the ability to find beauty, meaning, and possibility in each day

To be principled & loyal to my values, no matter my surroundings

To create beautiful works of writing & art that bring healing & insight to the world

To connect deeply with people and make them feel appreciated & understood

To let myself be loved by people who recognize my worth & understand my soul

To be good to the earth & conscious of my impact on it

To spend every day of my life engaged in meaningful work that fulfills me

To marry someone because he feels like my...

nov 19 2018 ∞
aug 1 2022 +
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  • Vitality
  • Consistency
  • Commitment
  • Happiness
  • Self-love
  • Growth
  • Tranquility
  • Transcendence
  • Humility
  • Creativity
  • Passion
  • Beauty
  • Connection
  • Trust
  • Stillness
  • Confidence
  • Radiance
  • Empathy
  • Curiosity
  • Exploration
  • Gratitude
jan 16 2021 ∞
apr 2 2023 +
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"We fear men so much, because we fear God so little."

{William Gurnall}

"That which is threatening to the ego is liberating to the heart.

{Ajahn Amaro}

Allah revealed to Prophet Moses (as): "He lies who claims that he loves Me, yet when the night covers him up he sleeps away from Me [forgetting Me]. Is it not that every lover loves to be alone with his beloved?"

{Imam Sadiq (as) | Amali al-Saduq, p. 292, no. 1}

"In the relationship to God and forgiveness, the human being should not be obsessed by the conscience of his guilt, for his transgressions are natural and even wanted by the One: God is waiting for human being to access the need of Him with the profound will to come back to Him with gratitude, trust and love. He invites man not to drown in his own fault but to grow u...

apr 30 2020 ∞
apr 2 2023 +
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  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley
  • Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Dream Brother by Daniel Browne
  • On Writing by Stephen King
  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza


  • The Psalms of Islam by Imam Sajjad (as)
  • Combat with the Self by Hurr al Amili
  • Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu
  • Suhrawardi and the School of Illumination by Mehdi Amin Razavi
  • Spiritual Mysteries & Ethical Secrets by Mulla Fayd Kashani
  • Tears & Tributes by Zakir Hussain
jun 22 2010 ∞
mar 15 2023 +
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  • See the Northern Lights in person
  • See the bioluminescent plankton in the Maldives
  • Perform pilgrimage to all the major holy sites
  • Fall asleep under the stars after a life-changing conversation
  • Become skilled at archery and martial arts
  • Learn muay thai like Sagat from Street Fighter
  • Attend a Renaissance fair wearing a medieval dress
  • Make at least one person feel like the most special, significant human being alive
  • Look into a pair of sad eyes and heal every grief there
  • Climb a massive mountain and share the view from the top with someone wonderful
  • Buy a miata, rsx, or '67 stang and go on ...
jun 29 2010 ∞
aug 24 2022 +
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  • Watching the sun rise after Fajr
  • Pulling back the curtains on a rainy day & watching the rain fall
  • Taking a hot bubble bath with the lights off & scented candles lit
  • Sinking into a soft, silky robe
  • Laughing with my best friends & having long, unfiltered conversations about things that resonate with us
  • Drinking mocha iced coffee or lavender milk tea
  • Immersing myself in the study of something interesting, thought-provoking, or moving
  • Reading about subjects that put me into a spiritual/lofty headspace (esp. physics, astronomy, mythology, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, etc)
  • Writing down beautiful quotes, verses, & passages that resonate with me
  • Putting lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus,...
dec 30 2019 ∞
apr 26 2022 +
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  • The Matrix
  • The Dark Knight
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Prestige
  • Ever After
  • Triangle
  • Memento
  • Before Sunrise
  • V for Vendetta
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Paddington
  • Rush Hour
  • The Princess Bride
  • It’s a Wonderful Life
  • Coming to America
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • Penelope
  • Batman Begins
  • Inception
  • Interstellar
jun 22 2010 ∞
mar 9 2023 +
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Exam (2009)

  • 9/10 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
  • Fascinating from start to finish, extremely compelling, well-developed moments of tension, highly original & thought-provoking, disturbing without being terrifying, extremely satisfying ending
  • The setting never changes throughout the movie, yet it never feels boring, predictable, or stale- this is a remarkable feat & makes this an extremely underrated movie
  • Amazingly innovative use of a single set
  • The conclusion was hopeful rather than cynical/dystopic, which is a rarity among psychological thrillers

The Princess of Rome (2015)

  • 9/10 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
  • One of the most aesthetically breathtaking, ethereal movies I've ever seen; the dr...
jul 28 2020 ∞
jun 10 2022 +
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  • Adhoora/adhoori: incomplete (m/f)
  • Adna: common, ordinary, insignificant
  • Ajab/ajeeb: strange
  • Ameeq: deep, profound
  • Anokha/anokhi: rare, marvelous
  • Baatin: hidden, not apparent
  • Bayhiss: insensitive
  • Dilkash: captivating
  • Hamdard: compassionate
  • Haseen: lovely
  • Hasmukh: cheerful
  • Hassaas: sensitive
  • Khaalis: pure, sincere
  • Khamosh: quiet
  • Khayali: imaginary
  • Khubsoorat: beautiful
  • Khush: happy
  • Khwaabeeda: dreamy
  • Labraiz: full
  • Lateef: kind-hearted
sep 18 2011 ∞
jun 10 2022 +
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Things I Love

  • Vibrant, vivid culture; color & passion everywhere
  • Mind-blowingly beautiful scenery & nature; so many stunningly gorgeous places north of Islamabad
  • The pallor of gloom/despondence that seems to hang over modern first world societies is deliciously absent... there's something spiritually & emotionally freeing about the atmosphere, like a residual humanness that hasn't yet been destroyed by capitalism and consumerism
  • Karachi never sleeps! You can get/do anything here, at literally any time, and there's always an air of liveliness, celebration, and joy
  • Warm, friendly people
  • Generally awesome family values
  • Deep spirituality ingrained in culture
  • A lively poetic & literary culture
jun 17 2012 ∞
jun 10 2022 +
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  • At least one thing a day that scares me
  • Strike up/engage in conversations that take me outside my comfort zone
  • Smile at at least 3-5 strangers
  • Write down at least 3 things I'm grateful for
  • Workout til I get sore
  • Learn at least one fascinating, eye-opening thing that I can keep with me and build on
  • Spend an appreciable amount of time alone to reflect
  • Meditate for at least 10 minutes
  • Walk outside for at least half an hour, reflect on the beauty of nature
  • Watch the sun rise or set
  • Random acts of decency; hold doors open, help people with mundane tasks, say hello to a stranger or two, make someone's day better
  • If I like something about someone, compli...
oct 9 2011 ∞
apr 6 2020 +
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  • learning
  • reading
  • writing
  • worshiping
  • wandering
  • painting
  • cooking
  • spending time with loved ones
  • laughing with friends
  • long aimless walks
  • creating masterpieces
  • watching the sun rise
  • being woefully shy or fearlessly outspoken
  • connecting with people
  • healing others
  • helping people feel listened to & understood
  • public speaking
  • meditating
  • stargazing
jun 22 2010 ∞
jun 27 2022 +
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  • wanderlust
  • ethereal
  • ecstasy
  • awestruck
  • ensoulment
  • serendipity
  • alluring
  • enigmatic
  • intoxicating
  • exhilarating
  • bewitching
  • breathtaking
  • magnificent
  • captivating
  • luminous
  • hypnotic
  • radiant
  • surreal
  • delicate
  • mesmerizing
  • heavenly
jun 27 2010 ∞
jun 21 2022 +
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  • his vivid, thoughtful green eyes
  • the way his ears move like antennae when he's trying to listen intently
  • the way he sometimes loses his balance when grooming himself and nearly tips over
  • how he sits like a puffy little duck when he's cold
  • how he vigorously rubs his face against mine to 'kiss' me
  • how he often curls one paw (or both) when sitting
  • how he sits quietly in front of a closed door for hours, just waiting for it to open
  • how he sits huddled in the flower pot outside when waiting for us to let him in
  • how simple things like a laser pointer, rug, or peanut can bring him hours of amusement
  • the whininess of his meows when he gets drenched in the rain
feb 5 2012 ∞
aug 3 2015 +
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  • Black man at bus stop- told me about his previous work as a counselor at school, his job at the multicultural center, & his outlook on life & maturity
  • White guy at bus stop- told me about his dreams of travel & theater, how he hopes to travel to NZ to work in theater productions, what his extensive travel experiences have taught him about life & the future of humanity
  • Redneck on train- told me many parts of his life story; how he met his wife & how much she means to him, what he was doing on 9/11, how he came to be a chef-in-training
  • Black girl at train station- told me about her experiences becoming a chiropractic medical assistant, how to correct one's posture, the difficulty of her extensive commute
  • Venezuelan guy on bench- told me about hi...
oct 22 2011 ∞
jul 17 2022 +
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  • watch the sun rise every morning from my window/balcony
  • drive out to remote places on clear nights to stargaze
  • buy a good long-range camera & get into astrophotography
  • photograph the scenery around me & start a photoblog
  • experiment with fancy dishes & new styles of cooking
  • have a beautiful flower & herb garden that i nurture every day
  • take early morning walks in the park
  • paint constantly, especially outdoors
  • start every day with yoga & a good brisk workout
  • take a long, immersive bubble bath once a week to unwind
  • fall madly, passionately, fearlessly in love with the man i marry
  • make my husband the happiest man on earth...
nov 23 2011 ∞
jun 12 2022 +
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My dream animal family:

  • 2 horses named Raja & Kashmir
  • 2 lovebirds named Rumi & Hafiz
  • 2 white-tailed fawns named Autumn & River
  • 2 cats named Spooky & Kishmish
  • 2 turtledoves named Shams & Tabriz
  • A babydoll sheep & mini alpaca named Lilac & Perseus

Name possibilities:

  • Ophelia
  • Arabella
  • Phoebe
  • Willow
  • Baelfire
  • Lily
  • Kaveri
  • Andromeda
  • Audrey
  • Stardust
sep 15 2010 ∞
dec 23 2020 +
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  • a brimming cupful of stars
  • a pair of ocean-colored wings
  • a hammock on the moon
  • a magic carpet
  • an invisibility cloak
  • an enchanted tent on a quiet mountain top
  • an eternal sunrise
  • a unicorn with excellent conversational skills
  • a secret cave behind a waterfall
  • a ship composed of moonbeams
  • a universal postal office where an infinity of love letters are exchanged
  • an impenetrable crystal lighthouse
  • a castle on a cloud
  • a room of requirement
  • a window looking out on an eternity of peaceful autumns
  • a playground in the stars lit by pure, youthful laughter
oct 19 2010 ∞
aug 3 2015 +
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The Kind of Woman I Am...

  • Considers it the height of luxury to watch the sun rise.
  • Is wired to find beauty in unlikely places.
  • Is ruled by an innate sense of curiosity, passion, & wonder.
  • Finds the deepest satisfaction in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Is deeply passionate about anything that moves or intrigues her.
  • Gets excited at the prospect of making someone smile.
  • Is incapable of hiding her enthusiasm when excited or pleased.
  • Relishes comfortable silences.
  • Feels happiest when surrounded by nature.
  • Feels most at home in bookstores.
  • Loves an intellectual challenge.
  • Loves being physically active.
dec 25 2020 ∞
jul 15 2022 +
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  • The vastness of the universe
  • The true relative importance of every detail we perceive
  • The infinite structural & biological intricacies that comprise each living organism
  • Who we 'are'
  • Who anyone else 'is'
  • How others perceive us
  • How others experience their lives
  • Our memories & pasts
  • Desires versus needs
  • Our impact on the world
  • Nature's impact on us
  • Our impact on fellow creatures
  • Relative well-being
  • The subjectivity of personal decisions & values
  • The limits of our cognition
  • Why we dream
  • Time
may 16 2011 ∞
jan 13 2020 +
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  • Listening to the rain fall on tranquil summer mornings
  • Small moments of delight that make me feel like a child again
  • Reveling in the beautiful, chaotic intricacies of the people i love
  • When conversation flows like an uninterrupted river
  • Expressions of wisdom that run deeper than cursory intellectualism
  • The feeling of sublime smallness that engulfs me when i sit beneath a sky full of intensely vivid stars
  • Making someone laugh when they feel like crying
  • Witty, playful banter & unbridled goofiness
  • Ethereal mornings drenched in fog
  • Blissful nights of worship that make my soul feel cleansed
  • The way sunrises & sunsets never lose the...
aug 2 2020 ∞
jul 1 2022 +
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Background: When I was in college, I took a course on women's studies that ended up being one of the most impactful, life-changing classes of my life... I wrote down some of my reflections immediately after the course, and have gradually added more observations as I've grown and learned over the years.

Women's Studies Reflections

1) The ways in which we observe, perceive, and exhibit gender is largely shaped, or socially constructed, by the preferences & norms of the societies and cultures we live in. Every perpetuation of these societal conventions serves to uphold them, from the way we speak (eg. women tend to be apologetic and hesitant, while men tend to be matter-of-fact and declarative, etc) to the way we publicly present ourselves. Every time we abide by socially-constructed norms without critically examining them & evaluating their validity, wh...

oct 16 2010 ∞
jan 17 2023 +
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  • Curling up with a soft blanket
  • Lying on a comfortable bed
  • A hot, steamy shower
  • The smoothness of silk & satin against my skin
  • Soft bedsheets against my legs
  • Running my fingers through my hair
  • The feeling of wet earth between my fingers while gardening
  • Riding in a car with a velvety smooth suspension
  • Paper hot off the press
  • Aching after a good workout
  • Good massages
  • Swinging that feels like flying
  • Lying on a rooftop
  • Long car/train rides
  • Long walks outside
  • Hiking in the mountains
  • Soft grass beneath bare feet
oct 13 2012 ∞
dec 9 2020 +
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Background: this is a massive compilation of self-reflection questions i started collecting as a teenager… the ongoing goal of this project is to record as much as i can about my inner life and revisit the answers every few years to see how i’ve changed & grown.

Use 10 words to describe yourself.

Passionate, lively, warm, playful, soft-hearted, intellectually curious, free-spirited, compassionate, introspective, complex

Name 10 things you can’t live without.

Faith, hope, purpose, love, worship, self-expression, solitude, imagination, the written word, the pursuit of knowledge

Name 10 things in this world you feel are overrated:

Status, fame, certainty, ideological differences, geographic borders, physical appearances, material wealth, formal education, ethnic/national identity, normality

apr 27 2022 ∞
may 1 2024 +
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  • Watching the sun rise or set
  • When my soul feels perfectly at ease
  • When someone I love smiles or laughs
  • Private, heartfelt conversations with God
  • Drinking in the beauty of nature
  • Ethereal mornings when the clouds seem to glow
  • Thunderstorms with vivid lightning
  • Watching a shooting star
  • Experiencing a wave of pure gratitude
  • Petrichor (the smell of rain on dry earth)
  • Feeling in my element
  • Feeling humbled by the sublime intricacies of the universe
  • Feeling the light at the end of the tunnel after dark times
  • Feeling unconditionally loved & valued by someone who truly understands me
  • Hitting a flow state when I'm deeply imme...
jun 29 2011 ∞
sep 13 2022 +
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  • Most horror movies, especially the psychologically disturbing and gory ones
  • Icebreakers & forced introductions 
  • Cold, dispassionate intellectualism that can't see beyond its own limitations
  • Days that end too soon with the people I love
  • Witnessing the pain of any living creature/being
  • Being in constant existential peril because of my clumsiness
  • When people conflate empathy with weakness & cynicism with intelligence
  • Curiosity that can't be sated
  • Conversations that lack depth & substance
  • Feeling lonely in a crowd of people
  • Moments that remind me of how human & easily tempted I am
  • Daydreaming about having fulfilling, life-changing conversations with people but b...
dec 5 2020 ∞
sep 3 2023 +
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  • The blissful warmth of sunrays on one's back while taking an afternoon nap
  • The ethereal peace of morning rain, when the marriage of earth and rain perfumes the air with heady sweetness
  • The calm tranquility of ocean waves gently lapping at a pristine shore
  • The ethereal magic of the rising sun
  • The striking rarity of a rose blooming in the frost of winter
  • The electrifying beauty of the full moon in all her glory
  • The unveiled radiance of stars dancing on a cold winter night
  • The soft sensuality of smoke lingering in the air after a campfire
  • The alluring sweetness of a flower inviting a bee to drink
  • The uninhibited majesty of a fearless lioness
  • The playful curiosity of a deer peering t...
dec 5 2020 ∞
feb 24 2024 +
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  • Being tender, warm, & lively in the way i interact with others
  • Speaking from the heart and conveying what i genuinely feel without hesitation
  • Being vibrant & free in my expression of joy and pleasure
  • Indulging my playful, lighthearted side
  • Making someone feel unconditionally nurtured, loved, & uplifted
  • Believing deeply in my worth & moving through life with a sense of tranquility, conviction, & purpose
  • Being clear & intuitively certain about what i want
  • Being discerning with my energy & attention
  • Giving & receiving tenderness/affection
  • Being around someone who makes me feel safe
  • Feeling deeply connected with my inner child
jun 1 2020 ∞
jul 1 2022 +
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I am worthy of the highest happiness and most vibrant, unconditional love.

I am receptive, yielding, and deeply grateful for every blessing I receive. Because I expect good things, I draw an abundance of good outcomes into my life.

In His infinite love and mercy, God multiplies my blessings the more I thank Him.

I am deeply worthy of the depth of love and understanding I crave; I am worthy of receiving the same tenderness I extend to others.

I am exquisitely beautiful in every sense of the word; my body, mind, and spirit are beautiful creations of the Most Beautiful God.

I find possibility, meaning, and joy in the smallest of life's wonders and express my captivation with the unrestrained freedom of a child.

As I learn to accept myself more deeply and embrace my intrinsic gifts, I make it ...

jan 24 2021 ∞
mar 15 2023 +
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  • Tell her all about yourself; trust her
  • Encourage her to open up to you
  • Read to her
  • Fascinate her
  • Make her laugh
  • Tease her
  • Look at her like she's magic
  • Be very clear about your intentions
  • Tell her about the things that keep you up at night
  • Be entirely yourself & trust her to love you unconditionally
  • Don't pretend to be someone you're not
  • Tell her what you need & let her take care of you
  • Tell her what's on your mind & encourage her to do the same
  • Listen to her & remember little things she tells you
  • Be clear about your feelings for her
  • Give her time (lots of time) to figure ou...
jul 10 2011 ∞
dec 7 2019 +
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  • Be yourself
  • Engage me in soul-baring, thought-provoking conversation or goofy, lighthearted banter
  • Spend time with me
  • Really, truly listen when I speak; make me the center of your world for a while
  • Encourage me to come out of my shell; ask me direct/personal questions
  • Accept me as I am
  • Give me a hug or squeeze my hand when I'm tense
  • Hold my gaze & smile at me
  • Trust me not to hurt you, and immediately tell me if I do
  • Tell me about your dreams and hopes
  • Show me who you really are, stripped of all pretensions and fears
  • Talk to me about things that interest you
  • Pay me a sincere compliment
oct 22 2011 ∞
jun 18 2022 +
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  • metalsmithing
  • qigong
  • self-defense
  • reiki
  • physics, in-depth
  • advanced yoga poses
  • archery
  • horseback riding
  • spanish
  • french
  • how to fly a plane
  • how to swim
  • beekeeping
  • muay thai
  • brazillian ju jitsu
  • capoeira
  • fencing
  • wilderness survivalism
  • how to think about higher math intuitively
  • how to play a guitar, piano, & kalimba
jun 29 2010 ∞
feb 21 2017 +
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  • Spirituality
  • World History
  • Physics
  • Mysticism
  • Economics
  • Philosophy
  • Marxism
  • Alternative medicine / herbalism
  • Multiverse theory / parallel dimensions
  • Unexplained phenomena
  • Mentalism
  • The historical evolution of Islamic thought & doctrine
  • Religious pluralism
  • The untapped capabilities of the human mind & body
  • Taoism
  • Qigong
  • Anthropology
  • Psychology
  • Nootropics
jun 22 2010 ∞
jun 21 2022 +
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The lion roars, the forest falls silent. The lioness roars, the lion falls silent.


There is water in my eyes and fire in my heart. Do you want a drink? Or a spark?

{Sharif ar Radi}

I don’t know if you’re beautiful until after we have a conversation.

{Dau Voire}

All my life my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.

{André Breton}

The female doesn’t want a rich man or a handsome man or even a poet, she wants a man who understands her eyes if she gets sad, and points to his chest and says: 'Here is your home country.'

{Nizar Qabbani}

I am homesick for a place I am not sure even exists. One where my heart is full. My body loved. And my soul understood.

nov 1 2016 ∞
apr 27 2022 +
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  • Are there any external parties who could potentially benefit from sparking, exploiting, or prolonging the conflict?
  • Which external participants can be linked to this conflict? Which side are they on, and why?
  • Who's funding/arming each side of the conflict? Why & to what extent? What exactly are they investing in?
  • How does the conflict relate to U.S. interests? Does the location have any geopolitical significance, natural resources, or hold other such significance in terms of American foreign policy interests?
  • Do any major world and/or regional powers have a stake in the conflict's outcome monetarily, politically, or ideologically? If so: which ones, and what do they stand to gain or lose?
  • Is there a likelihood that the conflict might be serving as a proxy war between tw...
sep 7 2012 ∞
oct 17 2016 +
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The Divine feminine is a woman’s deep inner knowing that her mere presence, her very existence, is itself a sacred gift. It's not an arrogant or self-important state of mind; it's a tender, sublime awareness that within the incomparable beauty of her being, God has granted her the potential to beautify the lives of those around her. Her inner light is radiant enough to illuminate the life of every person she loves. By honing and embracing this light, she has the capacity to inspire greatness, hope, and transcendent growth in every person who experiences her energy.

At the highest level, a woman in true alignment with her Divine feminine energy becomes a bridge that reunites mankind with God; her womb becomes the bridge that carries life into this world, and her love becomes the bridge by which her loved ones come to recognize and return to God mor...

jan 21 2021 ∞
jul 26 2022 +
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"Yin and yang are bound together as parts of a mutual whole. Yin and yang transform each other: like an undertow in the ocean, every advance is complemented by a retreat, and every rise transforms into a fall."

Divine Feminine (Yin | Jamaal):

Receptive, Compassionate, Free-flowing, Playful, Open, Sensual, Soft, Empathetic, Understanding, Vulnerable, Sensitive, Wise, Insightful, Kind, Accepting, Harmonious, Expressive, Radiant, Self-assured, Trusting, Intuitive, Caring, Joyous, Assertive, Creative, Abundant, Visionary, Graceful, Patient, Thoughtful, Nurturing, Emotional, Gentle, Tender, Inspiring, Collaborative, Beautiful, Grateful, Alluring, Healing, Calm, Forgiving, Accessible, Encouraging

  • Knows how to surrender, be open, & trusting
jan 16 2021 ∞
jul 19 2022 +
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Exercise from pg. 218 of 'The Intimacy & Solitude Self Therapy Book' by Stephanie Dowrick

In the eyes of my ideal lover I am...

  • Intoxicating
  • Electrifying
  • Heavenly
  • Ethereal
  • Fascinating
  • Irresistible
  • Entrancing
  • Mesmerizing
  • Breathtaking
  • Delectable
  • Stunning
  • Charming
  • Lighthearted
  • Captivating
  • Insightful
  • Irreplaceable
  • Sensual
may 12 2020 ∞
mar 24 2023 +
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  • When his smile reaches his eyes and makes them warmer/softer
  • A well-groomed beard
  • Dark hair & dark eyes
  • Taller than me
  • Slightly muscular arms
  • Soothing/deep voice
  • Glasses optional
  • Shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows = kryptonite
  • Smells faintly of soap/cologne/aftershave/'itr
  • Classy, understated style


  • When he has a deep love of God and the Ahlulbayt (as)
  • When he has the kind of masculinity that feels safe and protective, rather than threatening or aggressive
jul 27 2018 ∞
jan 24 2021 +
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Disclaimer: if you're excessively cynical, don't read this list, it'll make you gag. I warned you.

  • Be his favorite reason for waking up in the morning
  • Be his sanctuary against the stresses of the world
  • Inspire him to fall more deeply in love with God
  • Be stunningly, breathtakingly beautiful just for him
  • Captivate him with my innermost thoughts & feelings
  • Help him become the man he's always dreamed of becoming
  • Be the one person he'll always feel understood and respected by
  • Be his greatest source of reassurance
  • Draw out his inner child and do wild, spontaneous things together
  • Renew his awareness of the innate beauty ...
jul 20 2010 ∞
jul 17 2022 +
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The Woman I Dream of Becoming...

  • Carries herself with elegance, joy, and passion
  • Exudes radiance, humility, & kindness
  • Converses with a blend of humor, softness, intellect, and warmth
  • Speaks passionately and without restraint about the things she believes in
  • Fuels her curiosity like a well-tended flame
  • Is able to express what she needs and wants without shame or hesitation
  • Is able to be lighthearted and carefree around those she's truly comfortable with
  • Is unfailingly loyal and trustworthy to the ones she loves
  • Is true to her values and beliefs without being self-righteous or condescending
  • Is a source of nurture, hope, and strength for the people she cares about
  • Pursues her goals and dreams with the kno...
apr 30 2020 ∞
jul 22 2022 +
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  • Mamihlapinatapai (Yaghan) = A look shared between two people, both wishing for something to happen, but neither wanting to initiate.
  • Tanzih (Arabic) = Transcendence; "To declare something pure and free of something else"; used to denote the incomparability of God to humans.
  • Kaze hikaru (風光る) (Japanese) = "A warm breeze of spring that follows after a dark cold winter, comes and breathes gently upon the skin, as if like a shining radiance.”
  • Saudade (Portuguese) = An intense, bittersweet nostalgia; "a deep emotional state of nostalgic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves."
    • Hiraeth (Welsh)
    • Keurium (Korean)
    • Wajd (Arabic)
    • Sehnsucht (German)
    • Nostalgia (English)
nov 29 2010 ∞
may 10 2021 +
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What is your defining characteristic as a person?

  • My softness, depth, or passion

What is your favorite virtue?

  • Humility; it's the highest form of human goodness & the heart of all other virtues

What is your idea of earthly happiness?

  • Loved ones, foggy mornings, light rain in spring, mountains, seashores, sunrises, good books, vivid stars, cuddly animals, happy children, thunderstorms, deep intellectual discussions, good films, a warm hearth, long drives, autumn leaves, flowers, meditative walks, beaches, oceans, moonlight, scented candles, beautiful poetry, art, travel, wilderness, healing, softness, wanderlust, gratitude, tranquility, adventure, fulfillment, nights of worship...
jun 22 2012 ∞
nov 29 2023 +
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God has placed a window of deep knowing within every human soul. Sometimes, we impede this understanding by burying it beneath the clutter of ideologies, books, biases, rationalism, and extraneous voices. Beneath all of those veils, God is waiting for us to meet Him; waiting for us to come to Him empty-handed and open-hearted, armed with nothing but the realization of our own nothingness and the barest comprehension of His greatness.

The most essential act of rebellion is to engage in the reclamation of the lost territory within ourselves that we gradually lose to the tides of cynicism, materialism, & the superficial pressures of the world around us. To stand by that reclamation and own it, even if it makes us appear maddened, strange, or naive. To give ourselves permission to value what we truly value and find beauty in what moves us, even if the world disagrees.

aug 23 2020 ∞
dec 15 2022 +
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  • The fact that she exists, period... 10000/10, best human ever invented
  • The perfect duality of innocence & mischief in her eyes
  • The way she lights up & starts babbling excitedly every time she sees me
  • When she tilts her head to the side and looks up with an adoring grin
  • The way she stares at everything philosophically, as if attempting to discern its true nature, then breaks the spell by doing the goofiest things ever
  • When she looks at me with the most heart-melting blend of reverence & trust
  • When she hides behind her favorite wall & rapidly jerks her head out to play peekaboo with the silliest smile on her face
  • The way she treats sleep like a mortal enemy that must be defeated at all costs
  • How sensitive, logical, and observant she is, as if her soul has been here before
mar 8 2023 ∞
may 2 2023 +
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  • Going out for a walk before sunset, getting drenched by a sudden cloudburst
  • Slipping outside at 5 am during a raging storm, exhilaration coursing through my body as the wind's rough, unruly hands played with my hair
  • Absent-mindedly pursuing the sunset and watching dreamily as it drifted to sleep between the mountains
  • Strolling by the neighborhood pond and getting followed by a friendly little duck who mistook me for its mother
  • Cradling my sick niece as she pressed her cheek against my shoulder and looked up at me with soft eyes full of trust
  • Falling asleep surrounded by a surfeit of books too exciting to choose between
  • Getting lost on my way to the park on a daily basis, secretly enjoying my lostness too much to ask for directions
  • Curling up on the sofa, eating ramen, and...
mar 24 2023 ∞
feb 11 2024 +
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  • watching children get infectiously excited about small things
  • tender lines of poetry that evoke profound romanticism
  • when people are sincerely, guilelessly kind and loving
  • cute baby animal videos
  • when animals of different species befriend each other
  • grumpy-looking men with soft hearts
  • when someone pays me a heartfelt compliment
  • feeling deeply valued, seen, & understood
  • blissfully carefree days with beautiful weather
  • the ever-changing beauty of the moon
  • exquisitely profound conversations that make me want to suspend time
  • random acts of affection/kindness
  • when someone laughs at all my jokes
jun 18 2022 ∞
dec 4 2022 +
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Happiness is a perpetuation of positive thought patterns. It's being habitually attuned to lightness, simplicity, uncomplicatedness. It's the courage to be clear-headed, to bear darkness with patience and composure, to become barren of expectation and blame.

Don't be at war with your own being, even if the object is self-improvement. Growth best occurs as a byproduct of nurture, not aggression.

Don't become an enemy to yourself. In a manner of speaking, you're all you've got- you are your greatest responsibility in this brief life, an unbidden gift. Befriend yourself, protect yourself, and become the most solid, faithful companion of your own finite being.

Once you have embraced your true self, loving others will come naturally. If you turn away from your own being, however, you will only be able to love other people...

jan 14 2014 ∞
jun 5 2022 +
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  • Passionate
  • Soft-hearted
  • Warm
  • Playful
  • Tender
  • Free-spirited
  • Intellectually curious
  • Compassionate
  • Idealistic
  • Lively
  • Shy
  • Adventurous
  • Complex
  • Softspoken
  • Resilient
  • Intuitive
  • Open-minded
  • Affectionate
  • Balanced
  • Optimistic
  • Level-headed
nov 5 2010 ∞
sep 3 2023 +
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Things I Want to Hold Onto

  • my inclination to seek the hidden beauty in situations & people
  • my ability to be delighted by trivial things
  • my insatiable curiosity & wonder
  • my relentless hunger for knowledge & growth
  • my unwavering hope & optimism
  • my sense of playfulness & adventure
  • my instinct to feel the pain of others & my drive to ease that pain
  • the sense of tranquility that comes from my need of God
  • my conscience
  • my love of animals & nature
  • my love of simplicity
  • my creative fire
  • my resilience & inner strength
  • my softness of heart & flexibility of mind
dec 3 2020 ∞
jul 10 2022 +
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  • being missed
  • being loved
  • being understood
  • being appreciated
  • the feeling of watching the sun rise in the morning and being totally awash in possibility
  • being fascinated/intrigued/curious & having free reign to indulge my curiosity
  • feeling irreplaceable
  • the nervous excitement that precedes a new experience
  • the thrill of bantering with someone who can keep up with me and make me laugh
  • being adored by someone who sees more beauty in me than i see in myself
  • the sense of absolute calm and ease that comes from being around someone with a genuinely good heart
  • the pleasure of engaging in a mentally stimulating discussion that deepens my appr...
oct 8 2020 ∞
jul 22 2022 +
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  • The simple act of listening to someone, without intent to judge or guide or respond, is the most underrated form of giving.
  • Human beings are meant to be experienced, not explained.
  • A huge component of loving someone is helping them actualize their best self while loving them no less at their worst.
  • All-encompassing respect is a crucial prerequisite to any healthy relationship; without it, relationships are meaningless.
  • Many of us spend our lives either afraid of the realities of who we are, or intimidated by the very real possibilities of what we could be.
  • The world isn't a dark place because tons of people are evil. It's dark because tons of people are only as decent as they have to be & don't give a damn about evolving, learning, or contributing beyond th...
dec 4 2011 ∞
jun 18 2022 +
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1. | Describe your personality. :

passionate, warm, playful, soft-hearted, free-spirited, intellectually curious, complex

2. | Define what beauty means to you. :

anything that awakens or moves the soul

3. | Describe your current appearance. :

glassy eyes, silky hair, dewy skin, rosy lips

4. | Describe your appearance overall. :

olive-skinned, dark-haired, slender, petite

5. | Live with __ in your heart. :

gratitude, faith, & optimism

6. | Inner peace comes one step at a time. Name a step. :

identify your deepest priorities and goals- the ones that truly resonate with your soul and light you up inside- then evaluate how much of your life is geared toward actually fulfilling them

7. | Think about or dream up your signif... :

jul 27 2018 ∞
aug 2 2022 +
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  • Unconditionally trust God & put your hope and faith in Him, no matter what.
  • Be the living embodiment of the truths that guide you.
  • Accept & let things go often; be conscious of the baggage you accumulate.
  • When your passion wanes, re-immerse yourself in the influences that awaken and move your soul.
  • Be honest about the depth and complexity of your opinions, even if others may not fully understand where you're coming from.
  • Never look down on anyone or presume that you're better than them; most people are doing their best and may be fighting battles that aren't easily seen.
  • Never dull yourself or apologize for your sense of passion.
  • Be unapologetically alive & visibly in love with the things that hold value & mean...
oct 26 2013 ∞
dec 26 2020 +
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  • fearless
  • loved
  • ecstatic
  • intrigued
  • captivated
  • fulfilled
  • intellectually stimulated
  • safe
  • unhurried
  • calm
  • carefree
  • tranquil
  • satisfied
  • at ease
  • playful
  • zen
  • self-assured
  • trusting
  • confident
  • undaunted
  • fierce
apr 21 2012 ∞
dec 4 2022 +
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Lou Andreas-Salome (1861-1937)

  • One of the first female psychoanalysts
  • Passionate student of philosophy & brilliant interdisciplinary thinker
  • Friend & muse of Nietszche
  • Lover & muse of Rainer Maria Rilke

Heloise (1090-1164)

  • French nun, writer, philosopher, & scholar
  • Was renowned throughout Western Europe for her intellectual brilliance & philosophical erudition
  • Best known for her relationship with Peter Abelard (subject of poem 'Eloisa to Abelard' by Alexander Pope; aka "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind")

Rabia Basri (714-801)

  • One of the most revered Sufi saints
  • Devout mystic renowned for her piety & de...
jul 21 2020 ∞
jul 16 2022 +
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I love exploring the hidden inner dimensions of who a person is: the emotions and stories they don't readily share; the secret pains & desires that drive them to make the decisions they make. I love getting lost in the complex tangle of another person's soul and experiencing the splendor that can't be seen from the surface. One of the most tender expressions of love is to shed light on that hidden beauty & bring it into focus.

I'm always awed by people who are deeply flawed but are bravely and humbly striving to be better.  I love people who have fallen but still possess the courage to get back up. I admire simple, imperfect human goodness so much more than the illusion of perfect virtue.

A quiet, hidden part of me is always engaged in the contemplation of life's deeper metaphysical questions and the passive synthesization of all the answers I've fou...

jul 8 2020 ∞
dec 15 2022 +
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Deeply-rooted, enduring confidence comes from the power of personal acceptance. The deeper your awareness of your inner self, your wounds, strengths, & weaknesses, the more capable you'll be of weathering life's storms with authenticity, optimism, and faith.

True nearness to God should result in having a personality that feels like an open door where anyone is welcome to enter. If you ever come across as intolerant, arrogant, condescending, cold, or judgmental, you're failing to live up to the most basic essence of faith.

No matter how cynical and jaded the modern world might be, don't give in to the pressure to suppress the joy that innately lives inside of you- water it and let it bloom. The happiness you cultivate within will radiate to and nourish everyone around you.

If you speak from the heart, without lett...

aug 24 2018 ∞
jun 23 2022 +
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  • Live simply, in consideration of all other people & beings.
  • You don't have to want the things everybody else wants merely because you feel like you should want them. The heart's true desires are intuitive; they don't need to be coaxed or rationalized.
  • Where possible, trust your intuition. It's a storehouse of valuable information your subconscious indirectly wants to give to you, often with good reason.
  • Do, say, and be only what you know to be true.
  • Consider every expenditure & luxury in the context of suffering & deprivation elsewhere.
  • Cherish companionship and relish aloneness.
  • Don't be afraid to demand respect; all beings are owed at least a minimal amount.
  • Always set your own bar, as low or high a...
jun 17 2011 ∞
jul 17 2022 +
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  • Nature
  • Art
  • Imperfection
  • Ugliness
  • Beauty
  • Love
  • Simplicity
  • Adventure
  • Questions
  • Nostalgia
  • God
  • Innocence
  • Anger
  • Doubt
  • Passion
  • Restlessness
  • Empathy
  • Chaos
  • Pain
  • Attraction
  • Change
may 16 2011 ∞
jun 25 2022 +
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  • Excessively soft voice that shakes when I'm nervous
  • Notoriously scatter-brained and forgetful
  • Highly prone to having my head in the clouds and forgetting how to communicate/exist in the real world
  • Publicly straight-laced but privately a wild goofball
  • Either extremely calm & quiet or extremely passionate & excitable, with few in-betweens
  • Constantly torn between a desire to connect and a desire to hide
  • Embarrassingly easy to scare because I'm always oblivious to my physical surroundings
  • Embarrassingly prone to laughing at the dumbest things ever when I'm tired
  • Highly prone to lip-biting when lost in thought
aug 1 2018 ∞
jun 25 2022 +
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  • elegant, feminine, soft, fierce
  • rosy lips, dewy cheeks
  • radiant, soft skin
  • wild, dark eyes
  • hips that sway like wildflowers
  • loose flowing fabrics
  • jasmine flower bracelets
  • fresh wildflowers woven into hair
  • long, flowy dresses or casual streetwear
  • leather jackets & knee-high boots
  • elegant, flowy abayas
  • satin, velvet, silk, chiffon
  • warm & heady floral/vanillic frangrances

Aesthetic Muses

  • kate bush
  • audrey hepburn
  • keira knightley
  • monica bellucci
  • jhene aiko
sep 15 2016 ∞
jun 21 2022 +