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  • When I was 6 or 7 years old I was at my cousin's house and we were outside playing with their red wagon or something. I had to go to the bathroom really bad so I ran to the front door but it was locked. I then ran into the garage towards the connecting door to their house that was in there but I couldn't open it. Needless to say I wet myself. The sad part is that the door in the garage wasn't even locked.
  • At the same cousin's house we were playing in their backyard one day and I stepped backwards and fell into their kiddie pool getting completely soaked.
  • During the 6th grade, during the week of Picture Day I had already worn my nice shirt. My mom said no one would notice if I wore it again. They did.
  • In middle school we were playing soccer outside. I'm not athletically coordinated and when the ball came to me, I kicked and missed and injured myself. I could barely walk for a week without my thigh hurting.
  • My freshman year of high school, during the passing period in a rather crowded stairwell, I tripped over my feet while ascending the stairs resulting in a very uncomfortable moment.
  • My sophomore year of high school during swimming I almost sank completely under in the deep end of the pool without anyone noticing, but when they did notice it was the entire co-ed class.
  • January 2010 I wanted Panera for dinner. My sister drove me and when I got out of the car I ran to the doors and tried to open the right one but it was stuck. Without looking up I proceeded to try and open the left door but it was locked as well. I then looked up noticing a rather large group of people staring at me awkwardly. I soon saw a small sign on the right door that said "Sorry, we're closed by 7 today." I then ran towards the car screaming "It's closed!" which everyone inside probably heard. I also lost one of my gloves. Quite traumatizing actually.
  • Cici's Pizza couldn't find the door when it was literally RIGHT there. Little kids were pointing and laughing at me, no joke. So fucking traumatic.
dec 16 2009 ∞
jul 16 2010 +