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Okay, so these songs are all some of my absolute favorite songs that I hold very dear to my heart. I could listen to these songs and instantly be overwhelmed with a feeling of warmth and happiness. Basically because of that reason I wanted to make this list so as to have a reference to all the songs that make me feel this way just in case I ever forget and need it. C:

  • Say That U Love Me - Jason and Lara (Theme song from the ISWAK soundtrack, my favorite TW-Drama and this is most definitely my favorite song of all time. C:)
  • 越來越愛 - 飛輪海 (This song perfectly expresses joy and springtime as well as summertime...gotta love 'em x3)
  • Super Drive - Yosuke Sakanoue (Love, love, LOVE the music video for this...This song totally started my spiraling back into anime and my love for anything asian. <3 Summer '06 <3
  • Oh! Happy Day - Jang Nara (From the movie Oh! Happy Day starring Jang Nara...xDD Cute movie.)
  • 裝傻 - Linda Liao (Theme song from Calling Love. Watched as many episodes that were subbed within only a few days and I'm currently anxiously awaiting the rest of the show. Love, love, LOVE it. xD)
  • 最佳聽眾 - 飛輪海 (I cried the first time I heard this song, I don't know why, it just reminded me of blissful times from springs and summers long ago...xDD The lyrics are really sweet too. x3)
  • 我只對你有感覺 - 飛輪海 (The first song I really fell in love with of theirs. I like the remix version by the way, the regular version is all right. xD)
  • Hug Remix - DBSK (This song made me LOVE them...loved the random Gackt/DBSK fanvid that I first heard it in...xDD)
  • El Scorcho - Weezer (I remember I first heard this from an Inuyasha/Ranma AMV when I was 12 or 13. I still picture that video every time I listen to this song. xD)
  • Dela - Johnny Clegg (This song is from the Disney movie George of the Jungle. Yes, a very cheezy movie, but it's one of my absolute favorites and I could watch it over and over again despite having it memorized. xD This song was played in my favorite scene of the movie when George convinces Ursula to dance with him, telling her she has no reason to be embarrassed. So sweet. It's played again in the end of the movie, because it's that awesome. XD)
  • 完美比例 - Rainie Yang (I first heard this song in the first episode of Rainie's drama Why Why Love. I instantly fell in love with it. Unfortunately for me the album with this song didn't come out until 3 months after I first heard it. XDD But regardless, I still adore this song now; it still makes me feel as light as it did before, almost as if I'm floating. <3)
  • Wonderful Journey - Richard Marx and Donna Lewis (This song is played in the end credits of the animated film Anastasia. I've adored this film since I was young and same goes for the song. It's cheezy and lame yes, but I still find it hopelessly sweet and romantic. x3)
  • It's Not Just Make Believe - Kari Kimmel (This song is played in the end credits of Ella Enchanted, one of my favorite movies of all time. This song is so upbeat, fun, and sweet. I love it a lot. x3)
  • I'm Gonna Fly - Sydney Forest (From Kiki's Delivery Service, which is my all time favorite film. I absolutely adore this song and have ever since I first saw this movie many years ago. It makes me feel like I'm flying. x3)
  • Soaring - Sydney Forest (From Kiki's Delivery Service; this song was in the opening credits and I adore it as well. x3)
  • When It's Over - Sugar Ray (Perfect springtime/summer song. This song reeks of the feeling when school's letting out and just driving in the good weather with the windows down and the cool wind blowing and tossing your hair all over the place. Gotta love it, it's so free-spirited.)
  • First Love Remix - Sammi Cheng/Utada Hikaru
  • Xi Huan Ni Zen Me Ban - Cyndi Wang
  • Kiss Kiss Kiss by Pink Toniq
  • Losing My Mind by Lee Seung Gi
jul 9 2009 ∞
may 28 2013 +