• Meat
    • A lot of weird associations with dicks
    • Eating another living thing is more manly because a living, moving, breathing animal had to be killed in order for this to occur. Eating vegetables is girly because no killing of animals is necessary ( I feel like there is this feeling that hunting animals is more work/effort than planting and harvesting crops which may have been true thousands of years ago but that is not necessarily the case today).
    • Zombies are extremely manly I guess
    • Meat is more expensive and manly men have lots of money so eating it is a way to flaunt wealth.
    • ESPECIALLY steak/bacon
  • Grilling
    • Heavily associated with meat
    • Cooking is seen as nurturing and domestic but grilling does not have the the same kind of feminine association. Grilling only happens during the summer months and since it is not a year long activity it isn't really something essential to the survival of a family. Unlike cooking grilling is viewed as a fun thing that men do to enjoy themselves or that their family enjoys. So it isn't really seen as a burden or work.
    • But I guess there is a sentiment that women are naturally domestic and enjoy cooking for the family.
  • Science and Math
    • In Mr Mowery's Psychology class our textbook said that on average men were better at math and women were better at English and that is just how our brains work (which is REALLY fucked up to teach children that) and you know I wouldn't be completely surprised if maybe test scores did indicate that was true on average but I doubt that is just how our brains work I think there are a lot mechanisms in society that perpetuate this. You really can't study humanity in a vacuum, we are socialized to be a certain way from DAY ONE.
    • I mean if you teach teachers that boys are better at math than girls then teachers are going to internalize that and treat male and female students differently.
    • A lot of fields associated with math and science are male dominated (which also JuSt So hApPeN to have higher pay. WEIRD)
    • I feel like there are a lot of movies (mostly spy/secret mission movies, Inception comes to mind but I saw a preview of a new movie coming out soon about the creation of the internet and Kiera Knightly plays this role) where they need a genius who is good at math/spatial things and there are all male contenders except for the one girl and the girl outperforms all the men and everyone is like WoW tHiS gIrL iS gOoD aT mAtH, which I guess it is cool that she is good at math despite society saying she shouldn't be but that shouldn't be super shocking or surprising.
  • Cars
    • Horsepower is usually advertised and horses have huge muscles so I think that is related.
    • Having a car that can go really fast.
    • Having a really big car.
    • Having a really expensive car.
  • Being large
    • Muscles, cars, dicks, bodies.
    • Larger bodies can more easily control or dominate smaller bodies.
    • See "Taking up too much space."
  • Technology
  • Questioning/Challenging other men's masculinity
    • This one is so baffling to me. Like your own masculinity will increase when others' decreases. As if there is a proportional correlation or something
    • Alphamale sort of mentality. Whoever is the most masculine is the boss?
  • Heterosexual sex
    • Powerful Yogurt website
  • Muscles
  • Sharp edges and bold fonts
    • So ridiculous. Used in advertising to target men and sell them masculine products. Most often these different kind of gendered products have the exact same functions. Women's products are usually more, and men's products are often more effective.
  • Stoicism/Not showing emotions like sadness or happiness
    • Men are supposed to be extremely logical and rational. If men allow emotions to permeate their mind then they are not being rational.
    • But men are not viewed as being deficient in anger. Why are they not allowed to show sadness.
    • Sadness is seen as a weakness I guess. But anger causes men to make so many bad decisions/mistakes I don't know why that emotion isn't viewed as a weakness.
  • Anger/Aggression/Violence
  • Dominating or controlling women/feminized things (ex fathers policing their daughters sexualities and preventing them from making their own choices)
  • Being wealthy
    • The more wealth a person owns the more they can use it to influence/control other people.
    • Being lavish is more associated with women I think (women spending too much on shoes blah blah blah all that bullshit). What are some purchases that are seen as more masculine? Cars? Boats? Guns? Really expensive grills. What did my dad spend money on while I was growing up. He loved buying grills
  • Hunting
  • Taking up too much space (physically, with their ideas, with their emotions)
    • Spreading their legs as wide as they can on the bus/train/plane. (Men always claim that they need lots of space around their crotch becAUSE OF MY MASSIVE DONG I HAVE A REALLY BIG COCK I NEED A LOT OF SPACE. But I really don't buy that. I can cross my legs just fine and my penis is not crushed between my legs. I think I see many more gay men who cross their legs and I doubt there is some physiological difference to our dicks that allows us to do that. I need to ask more straight men about this.)
    • Men giving their opinions unsolicited. Often they have this weird view that their opinion is REALLY IMPORTANT even when it is not relevant at all. Ellen was on the bus and a man saw her PA tattoo and made a comment about how it looked unfinished and she should go get that taken care of. Wow I didn't realize you were such an expert on my body sir, thank you.

Sexism that exists among gay men

    • Problematic for A LOT of reasons. Just because you are not having a sex with a vagina does not mean you get to insult it. Seriously why would you be allowed to do that?
    • There are men with vaginas and there are a lot of gay men who have had sex with men who have vaginas. Being gay doesn't exempt you from sexism and allow you to shit talk vaginas.
  • Using "bitch" "slut" and "whore"
  • Touching Women's Bodies
    • Gay men will often touch women's bodies without their consent. Since they aren't straight it isn't sexual and they believe they can do this without being reprimanded (and I think they very rarely are. I remember coming up behind Dana once and putting my hands on her waist and then she turned around and it wasn't Dana and that was the worst feeling ever I felt like such an asshole for violating this girl like that). But this is still an example of men exerting power over women and overriding her bodily autonomy
sep 14 2014 ∞
jun 22 2015 +