the lena experiment will begin on 1.1.24

the goal: to love myself and document myself living the human condition (i dropped out of my initial career goals to focus on myself fr) because i want to experience all there is to life. everything that happened up until this point has prepared me for this. when i leave this realm iā€™d like to leave behind a museum of everything i ever made and learned so i can be studied

333 live immediately 333

  • artifact collection
    • all self portraits EVER
    • only keep the artifacts that are significant
  • daily log (begin 010124)
    • do mini experiments like the bryan lewis saunders light experiments
      • different states of mind
      • trying different fruits
    • each day, draw self and list symptoms of the human condition
      • note moon phase, menstrual phase, substance use, current events
  • ink
    • i spy sleeve
  • lena story quilt
    • albino earwigs
    • my whole birth chart
  • personal family history
    • 23 and me
    • upkeep the family graves
  • rag doll self portrait
  • reflection
    • lists of what you should do when you turn x age
      • my goal list, my actual experience, what i wish i did
    • portfolios for each year of my life
      • all my favorite things, major life events
    • write letters to my past 22 selves (i need to research all of them, find their diaries, and pretty much do a dear john column)
dec 25 2023 ∞
dec 27 2023 +