things I need to start doing again- after what has been a hundred years since I last done them.

  • Get back into practicing yoga, however painful it will be
  • Start cycling again on a regular basis of at least 3x a week, however lazy you will be
  • Start eating healthy again!!!!! the more sugar and the more junk you eat, the more you get addicted to those foods (you've even realized it yourself). and the more weight you continue to put on. really wise, self, really wise
  • Read at least 10 pages of a novel daily
  • Write for at least 30 mins daily (blog, or whatever)
  • GET OUT of the house and stop staying in your comfort zone
  • Doodle some, daily
  • Sleep early, wake early
  • No eating after 8pm, seriously (heavy food at 12am does not make for desirable sleeping conditions)
dec 7 2010 ∞
jun 1 2011 +