- i'm going through my nigger music phase again (where i only listen to coon toons for a few months at a time)
- i went up to the mountains today, although it was still too hot for me to fully enjoy it.
- i have a cold
- my parents blow money on stupid stuff, like bigger TVs for our garage, etc.
- i'm 2 weeks into my sophomore year. Someone threatened to get me expelled for sexual harassment on the first day of school
- i'm still looking for a job (i'm going to apply at Acadamy tomorrow. Who can imagine me working at a sports store? that's weird.)
- I haven't done anything with any of my friends(?) in a month or so. no, sitting at my house alone really isn't so bad, i promise.
- actually, my brother is the only one i hang out with now. we haven't fought in a while.
- I got a lot of things over with, that I had been putting of for some time now.
- Although we did have that conversation (long needed) it's still complicated, in a way.
- There is a high possibility I will be able to go to the Ray LaMontagne concert with Savannah. I should probably just ask my dad, if he wasn't so busy all of the time.
- School has actually been really great. I've shifted in and out of different friend groups, but it's a nice change.
- If you know what I mean.
- Lulz.
- And being able to hang out with Brandon and Savannah has been great. I missed being friends with them. And the fact that my parents finally trust me again is just yeah. How many times have I said "it's great" or "it's nice" because everything lately has been.
- I got my car looked at, and they finally fixed the window. All I have to do now is get it repainted, and it'll be perfect.
- Oh, and get my restricted.
- ....and get a job.
- But I don't think I feel bad for doing this as much as I did. It really is fair. I'm not bound down to a a certain thing anymore, and honestly, it's just time for a new chapter in my life as stupid as that sounds.
- 10th grade will be great.
- Jesus.
- My parents screwed me over, not allowing me to go to the Ray LaMontagne concert.
- And then again, when they took away my best friends.
- I'm stepping it up, man.
- ifuknowatimean
- I got new makeup that I like
- My bookbag broke. Again.
- I think....I got a job. I don't even know, really.
- Today is my mom's birthday
- Fuck buddies lulz.
- I got a job. At a Christian bookstore.
- A bird pooped in my eye today.
- I went into The Christmas Tree store
- they didn't even have Christmas trees up
- I spilled a bottle of Arizona tea all over the floor before I could buy it.
- My parents are actually going to let me get my restricted soon.
- "So do you run with your shirts on?" "No." "Oh. Okay."
- my biology teacher got arrested for consensual sex with a 17 year old girl. ( the age of consent in South Carolina is 16 )
- My 6th grade keying teacher got arrested for selling marijuana.
- The power went off at work and all around the kmart plaza so i just went home early.