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I'm Kayla. I love lions and clementines.
My life consists of poke wars, extremely awkward conversations, a few spectacular people, and a love of almost everything.

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Okay, so even if this is all make believe...this is what I would want:

  • A little garden full of herbs and my favorite kinds of vegetables and fruit. Two big apple trees would sit at two of the corners. I would plant carrots and spinach and potatoes (regular and sweet), peppers, and watermelon. There would be trees all around, lots of flowers, a water feature
  • It would be by somewhere where I could take walks.
  • I'd have a little patio that lead out to a gazebo where I could read and have lunch and write.
  • There would be lots of windows.
  • The walls would be lined with shelves that were filled with books and pictures of people I love and places I've been and paintings and antiques.
  • It would be modern but the pieces that ma...
dec 5 2010 ∞
jan 29 2011 +
  • drowning
  • animal fights
  • people fights
  • feeling completely out of control
  • falling in love
  • wanting something that I shouldn't want
  • hospitals
  • doing something completely new
  • the feeling in my gut that I get right before I know someone is gonna walk right out of my life
  • when my mom or brother or my dad are late home and won't answer their phones
  • knowing I should just walk away from someone, but also knowing I will stay with them anyway and let them hurt me because I can't stand to give up on something even if there is no hope left
  • relationships
  • reckless driving
  • being together for the first time with so...
dec 6 2010 ∞
jan 29 2011 +
  • Hold doors for other people.
  • Smile. Often.
  • Say please.
  • Say thank you.
  • Compliment people.
  • Dress up just because.
  • Be nice just because.
  • Spend time outside.
  • Make a date with yourself, your favorite beverage, and an interesting book.
  • Tell the truth.
  • Stop procrastinating.
  • Listen to people when they talk.
  • Tell people how much you care about them as often as you can. Sometimes they forget.
  • Plant a small garden; flowers, vegetables, herbs, anything. Tend to it every day and use it.
  • Remember people’s birthdays, anniversaries, names, and other important informati...
jun 6 2011 ∞
jun 7 2011 +