movies (to watch)
apr 17 2014
fashion (clothes to sew)
jan 26 2014
books (read in 2013)
dec 30 2013
books (to buy)
dec 26 2013
dec 12 2013
to do (holiday projects)
dec 9 2013
observations (the end)
nov 14 2013
about me
oct 1 2013
bucket list (not finished)
oct 1 2013
about me (teas I like)
oct 1 2013
wishlist (pretty please)
jun 27 2013
films (the most magical)
jan 1 2013
books (2012)
dec 21 2012
notes (beautiful yet sad things)
may 31 2012
food (sweet treats)
may 12 2012
food (to bring along to a picnic in the forest)
mar 31 2012
places (I dream of)
feb 11 2012
to do (resolutions)
feb 7 2012
health (anecdotes for sadness)
jan 26 2012
quotes (J.M Barrie)
jan 26 2012
books (2011)
dec 19 2011
television (from my childhood)
sep 6 2011
places (favourites)
jul 23 2011