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"There comes a point in life where you just want better for yourself. A better life, better people, better energies, better routine, better faith, better health, better mental progression." --

Kate Things I Love (January 2025)
a ~ notes (substack favourites)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
elizabeth journal
  • it's been long since i held someone's hand HAHAHAHAHAH
  • it's sneaky lor taking the chance to hold hand cause of the fear factor but whatever i'm not complaining
  • i just feel that he's so cute and endearing especially his smile!! anddd the way he strings his words
  • my overthinking ass just don't think it will work. he's on another level compared to me. he got his career figured while i don't. he's well-travelled while i don't.
  • my incapability to talk
  • !! he mentioned that it's not negative stuff, being worried
  • well, thank u for spending time with me and caring about me when u got so many things on ur hands!! haha
oct 6 2018 ∞
oct 6 2018 +