user image

"There comes a point in life where you just want better for yourself. A better life, better people, better energies, better routine, better faith, better health, better mental progression." --

Kate television (films and TV series - 2025)
Things I Love (March 2025)
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
elizabeth currently

That your life ahead is not going to be easy. You will be hurt plenty of times. There will be especially painful times and sometimes it might feel unbearable. Yet don't worry, because eventually you'll learn to open up yourself to the pain, instead of running away.

Why is that important? It's because the things that hurt us the most, are also the things we care most deeply about.


jul 22 2021 ∞
jul 22 2021 +

Anything else you'd like to tell us?

To be honest, I'm insecure about sending this form because I'm not confident of my voice but knowing that one of my favourite IG artist page is expanding to animations, I'm keen to contribute in ways that I can. I have an inkling to use my voice to impact the world and this seems like a good opportunity! I just want to say that I'm a fan of your art and thank you for creating content on spirituality and sharing your Light & Love to the rest of us! Your art has been really helpful as we all go through this experience of being a human.

jul 20 2021 ∞
jul 22 2021 +
  • couldn't sleep last night
  • re-reading old texts just make me feel like i can't let go
  • intermittent fasting, matcha oatmeal, cardio running
aug 10 2020 ∞
aug 10 2020 +

• i’m not proud that i overate cashew nuts • got reminded that it’s better to avoid trigger foods altogether than naively thinking that i can portion control (when i’m mindlessly eating and scrolling in the morning) • tomorrow in the morning i will work out before i head out! so i will do a morning routine

drink water 5 mins meditation work out shower

aug 5 2020 ∞
aug 5 2020 +
  • [addiction | dr gabor mate] craves, relief in the short term, negative consequences in the long term, unable to give up
  • when you hate it for the damage it's doing to your health. it's a turning over
  • focus on one thing at a time
  • balance between routine (structure) and variety (novelty)
aug 3 2020 ∞
aug 3 2020 +
  • i can't wait to achieve 100 days free
  • it's better to go cold turkey on trigger foods
  • cook your own meals at home
  • you're 22 and you can grow up to be the adult you want to be
jul 31 2020 ∞
jul 31 2020 +


  • @did.nus - industrial design
  • @jochunyan - brand designer
  • @bojanovakovic - ui/ux design tips
  • - graphic design
  • @trupsfolio - ux/ui designer
  • @logo_training_channel
  • @pix.ux
  • @uibears
  • @thechrisdo
  • @thejuliabraga - brand strategist
  • @sevenxdesign


  • @wens_floral_studio


  • @subliming.jpg
  • @werenotreallystrangers
  • @k.tolnoe - poetry
  • @risingwoman
mar 16 2020 ∞
mar 17 2020 +
  • good morning baby
  • water
  • meditate 10 mins - nothingness
  • worry brain dump - get going with the day & grind after for my ideal life
  • sweat
  • intermittent fasting
oct 22 2018 ∞
nov 3 2018 +
  • declutter digital notes (wtf)
oct 18 2018 ∞
mar 17 2020 +

What do you do now? * Final year university student, specialising in Business Information System and I teach Scratch programming (drag and drog, non-text programming language that can create games or animations) part-time.

On a scale of 1-10, rate how good of a speaker/ communicator you are. *4

Explain your current situation. Why would you rate yourself that score? * I rated myself 4 because I found that I have difficulty to share my opinions / thoughts process in group projects as well as when in teaching. I also have anxiety over public speaking (speaking to a large audience) and speaking eloquently. My speaking has improved from the past (more stuttering?) but it's still not confident and fluent. I don't think I'm good at organising my thoughts well into verbal words as well.

What are the top 3 challenges you experie...

jul 22 2021 ∞
jul 22 2021 +
  • communication is a step to healing - jordan peterson
  • i can stop wallowing in negativity and hinders myself from growth..
  • keep things simple
  • and be happy
  • and put in effort towards your goals
  • renew and start with a new mind, unlearn
  • [workout complete] self-care is taking actions towards the ideal self you want to be, even though it may be hard
  • self-care is also about putting in good things into ur body
  • self-care is also about knowing ur priorities and being mature, give ur best work, be curious.
  • solve problems instead of complaining it's hard
  • being inspired is a wonderful feelings (cup of jasmien - working out, art, amy lee - mindset, HOW to adhd)
aug 5 2020 ∞
aug 5 2020 +
  • celebrate small wins
  • knowledge with application is power
  • non-zero days
  • what kind of person do you want to be?
aug 1 2020 ∞
aug 1 2020 +
  • eat pray love
  • what if this is heaven
  • currently reading: a return to love
  • currently reading: five people you meet in heaven
  • wants to read: emotional intelligence
  • wants to read: why we sleep
may 19 2020 ∞
may 19 2020 +

David Neyra9 months ago (edited)

honestly for me after a breakup, the story is over, its good to leave in good terms as adults that we are, wish each other good luck and walk away, if life happens to bring us together in the future then so be it, but been friends with an ex is just not it for me, because feelings tend to return, and things might get worse, its better to let it go, time heals all and focus on working on yourself, your career, hang out with friends, family etc. Like my last one where we just talked, wished each other good luck and walked away, no reason to be angry, or sad, we have no time to feel sad about why things didn't work out, we must make the best of life, if things didn't work out its because that person is not the one for you, there's always someone out there for everyone. It's better to not be friends with an ex while in another relationship because somet...

may 12 2020 ∞
may 26 2020 +
  • health conscious
  • make things

- food - bread - craft

nov 5 2018 ∞
nov 7 2018 +
  • innerwear
    • bra
    • sports bra
    • undies
  • outerwear
    • top
      • basic t-shirt (white, black, i need more colours - electric blue)
      • crop-top - to pair with athletic pant, denim shorts
oct 8 2018 ∞
nov 5 2018 +

get to know me

  • birthdate 20th may
  • residing in singapore
  • favourite colour blue, atm - baby blue, electric blue
oct 1 2018 ∞
oct 1 2018 +
oct 1 2018 ∞
oct 19 2018 +
  • boundaries are good for you
    • binge trigger food: bread, crackers - you can have sourdough bread (visit cafe), crackers (muji no sugar crackers!! skyflakes!!heh) one portion (portion control)
oct 5 2018 ∞
oct 5 2018 +
  • sports - something you enjoy
  • general fitness - to keep me healthy,
    • run
      • 3x a week (5k)
    • bodyweight exercises
      • daily
  • specific fitness - work on your muscles that might not be used - using kettlebell / resistance training /etc
    • class pass - yoga, kettlebell, resistance training / ritual gym



bodyweight exercises

oct 5 2018 ∞
oct 5 2018 +
  • whatever you do, no matter how small it may seem, do your best and it will be great things
  • pay attention to the details in life and make an effort to make things better
    • fitness
    • nutrition
    • skincare
    • relationships
      • remember birthdays and hand makes gift
        • jiaen - no rain no flowers, watercolour painting and print film photos and scrapbook it?
  • do what is ought to be done first
    • personal hygiene - clean face with micellar water when reach home
  • collect moments, not things
oct 5 2018 ∞
oct 7 2018 +
  • honestly, i feel like i'm pretending i'm fine and having flashback to that day bryan sat down next to me and told me to stop pretending things are fine when it's not.
  • i feel like i need therapy because my mind isn't a healthy/nice place to be in
  • i feel bloated because i ate too much...
  • and i die die wanted to satisfy my cravings (olive fried rice) even though i wasn't that hungry lol
  • in the end it just tasted like chinese egg fried rice. ok
  • thai iced milk tea was nice
  • my skin is so fucking bad now
  • my face and my scars on my legs hah
  • all these are consequences because i give up on myself
  • i dk why every morning i wake up feeling empty and traumatised for losing the relationship, for knowing how love can turn i...
aug 9 2020 ∞
aug 11 2020 +
  • people who do their best despite their circumstances and struggles are attractive!
  • improving yourself instead of pitying yourself is attractive
  • actions are attractive
  • how can i be more energetic /proactive?
  • how do I want to show up?
  • how do I want to feel?
  • my back hurts so much why :-(
  • breakfast: starts with one serving of fruit, 2 items tmr!

toast mung bean bread 8 mins 175, coconut tart

aug 2 2020 ∞
aug 2 2020 +

dear you,

it's your 22nd birthday, it feels surreal that in this year, you feel a sense of peace instead of a sense of shame, guilt and self-loathe you have experienced almost your whole life. you cut a toxic habit out of life and take steps to become who you want to become. intuitive eating, doing what is needed (in terms of hygiene, work out), my dental health has improved in 2 months time. so many things can change within three months, indeed. i forgive you for not knowing how to change last time. you had your struggles. days doesn't seem so dark anymore. you begun to realise that self-love must come from within and the peace with ourselves can only come from within. for the first time, you don't feel so empty being single, you don't feel empty for not being wanted by someone else. (yes i guess i'm really afraid of not being wanted and i was chasing this f...

may 19 2020 ∞
may 19 2020 +
  • Make your bed ( sense of accomplishment).
  • Write down to-do list night before (prevents stress).
  • Set 20 minutes timer for any job (Sweet-spot time).
  • Physically get ready (personal hygiene).
  • Podcasts and audio books (multitasking).
  • Organize and filter out (label).
  • Prioritize your 'me' time (rest).
may 12 2020 ∞
may 12 2020 +
  • health: fitness, mental, peace
  • confidence, authenticity, honesty: speak your mind
    • confidence is not being afraid to be yourself
  • stay humble
nov 3 2018 ∞
nov 3 2018 +
  • i like to look at pretty things, i want to become a pretty thing
  • clear skin
  • lose excess weight
  • healthy glow
nov 3 2018 ∞
nov 3 2018 +
  • "it's not the years in your life, but the life in your years"
  • living for a purpose
  • actions > everything. you can't reach ur dreams, hone ur crafts, do great things if u don't work.
  • knowing and waking up everyday to a purpose (ikigai)


  • confident of my body, being at peace with my body and taking care of it
  • so i won't cry and feel like shit while looking at the mirror anymore
  • to feel good and right about what i do, aligning my actions with my values


  • a boyfriend on christmas pls hahas :')
  • to be gf material / wife material!!!


oct 22 2018 ∞
oct 22 2018 +