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"There comes a point in life where you just want better for yourself. A better life, better people, better energies, better routine, better faith, better health, better mental progression." --

Kate health (GAME PLAN (mind))
Things I Love (February 2025)
a ~ notes (substack + other reads / favourites)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
elizabeth journal

What do you do now? * Final year university student, specialising in Business Information System and I teach Scratch programming (drag and drog, non-text programming language that can create games or animations) part-time.

On a scale of 1-10, rate how good of a speaker/ communicator you are. *4

Explain your current situation. Why would you rate yourself that score? * I rated myself 4 because I found that I have difficulty to share my opinions / thoughts process in group projects as well as when in teaching. I also have anxiety over public speaking (speaking to a large audience) and speaking eloquently. My speaking has improved from the past (more stuttering?) but it's still not confident and fluent. I don't think I'm good at organising my thoughts well into verbal words as well.

What are the top 3 challenges you experience now in Speaking / Communication? * Anxiety + Organising thoughts process + Fluent/Flow

Why is improving in speaking important to you? * I want to have confidence in my own voice and speak with confidence. So that I'm able to communicate, share stories and ideas, and teach in a more constructive way. For my personal growth and professional development!

jul 22 2021 ∞
jul 22 2021 +