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"There comes a point in life where you just want better for yourself. A better life, better people, better energies, better routine, better faith, better health, better mental progression." --

Kate Things I Love (January 2025)
a ~ notes (substack favourites)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
elizabeth journal
  • 1) writing your own eulogy
    • intention

- How would you like to be rememeber after you died? - What kind of husband/wife or child or parent would you say you were? - What kind of friend and colleague would you say you were? - What would you like to have accomplished in your life? - What is the legacy you would like to leave behind? - Write down how you would have lived and what you would have done."

  • 2) expressing writing (writing to heal)
    • make peace with your inner emotions
  • 3) knowing what's important to you
    • my health - nutrition, diet, exercise and sleep
    • relationships
    • learn - degree
    • work - work ethic - be proactive


  • what are you thankful for?

- my parents for sending me for education, allowing me to learn, and build my own future

  • what have you learned from your past experiences?
oct 9 2018 ∞
oct 9 2018 +