- Gordon Allport - Personality Psychology
- Albert Bandura - Social Learning Theory
- Alfred Binet - Intelligence Testing
- Raymond Cattell - Big 5, Fluid vs. Crystalized Intelligence
- Paul Ekman - Emotions and Facial Expressions
- Albert Ellis - REBT
- Erik H. Erikson - Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development
- Hans Eysenck - Intelligence and Personality
- Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis
- Leon Festinger - Cognitive Dissonance
- Gordon G. Gallup, Jr. - Mirror Self Recognition Test
- William James - James-Lange Theory of Emotion, Psychology of Religion
- Carl Gustav Jung -Analytical Psychology, Dreams, Symbolization
- Lawrence Kohlberg - Moral Psychology
- Kert Lewin - Social Psychology
- Abraham Maslow - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Ivan Pavlov - Classical Conditioning
- Jean Piaget - Theory of Cognitive Development
- Carl Rogers - Person-Centered Therapy
- Kirk Schneider - Existential-Integrative Therapy
- Martin Seligman - Learned Helplessness
- B.F. Skinner - Radical Behaviorism
- John B. Watson - Watson Behaviorism, Little Albert
- Thorndike
- Hull
- Janet
- Adler
- Kohler
- Bykov
- Lorenz
- Hinde
- Anokhin
may 28 2012 ∞
nov 8 2014 +