Russel M. Nelson
- are organized
- organize life
- financially
- storage
- begin food storage & emergency preparedness
- can organize & plan
- use daily planner
- help others to organize and plan
- direct & administer
- teach
- speak out
- stand up for causes I believe in
- have the gift of discernment
- pray for various gifts of the spirit, specifically discernment
- help others with that gift
- understand that trends are shallow
- "does this resonate with me?"
- are full of faith
- make important things happen
- in my own life
- in others lives
- inspire
- be a cause for good
- are courageous defenders of family & morality
- do not expose myself to anything that misrepresents family or shows immorality
- are devoted to shepherding god's children
- continue to share gospel online
- receive personal revelation
- understand power & peace of temple endowment
- call upon powers of heaven
- pray multiple times daily
- teach fearlessly
- continue to share gospel online
- be a more diligent blogger
Proverbs 31:10-30
- are trustworthy
- are hardworking
- seek out nutritious and good food for families and those around them
- are wise with money
- are strong
- are generous in helping those in need
- are prepared
- are filled with honor
- are wise
- are kind
- are virtuous
- fear the Lord
Neil F. Marriott, 'What Shall We Do'
- are spirit-directed
- use their unique gifts to nurture
- defend gospel truth
- follow the Savior
- live truth fearlessly
- ask Heavenly Father to help them to be builders of His kingdom
Boyd K. Packer, 'The Relief Society'
- walk beside men
- applaud decency and quality in everything from the fashion of clothing to crucial social issues