• I'm atheist. Even though I hate the things religion has done to the world like war and poverty, I have no problem with anyone who is a believer. My problem with religion lies more so with how they spread the word to youth (ex. church camps, YoungLife, creationist theory, etc.) and the socially conservative viewpoints they have, despite claiming to "love everyone". I will definitely admit that my beef with religion is mostly with Christianity, as someone raised in the southern United States.
  • I'm a nihilist. I view the universe as godless and chaotic, and even though I think that most things are meaningless, I still believe in things. Some might view it as depressing, but if anything, it's freeing. I can do things because they make me happy, and not because they're "good". Therefore, I've been able to live my life the way I want to, and I'm happy with that.
  • I consider myself a leftist. I used to consider myself a Democrat, until I came to the conclusion that the government inherently doesn't really care about us, the people.
  • I don't believe in karma or that everything happens for a reason. To me, life is just a random series of events, and if anything appears to be karmic retribution or fate, it's you placing meaning on an event.
  • I don't believe in soul mates; you can find the perfect person, but they're not the only one.
  • I don't believe in any supernatural things.
  • Pro-choice. At the end of the day, you don't know their story, and no one has the right to police another person's body. Minors shouldn't have to cross state lines just to get an abortion.
  • I believe in evolution, string theory and the Big Bang. There is just so much evidence for all of these ideas.
    • We need to do something about global warming, especially since we're the ones who are causing it.
  • I'm anti-war.
  • I'm anti-capital punishment, especially since there are so many innocent people who have been executed, and it is an incredibly backwards system.
  • Animal testing is disgusting. We have found 800 cures for cancer in rats, but none for humans. What does that say about the effectiveness of this practice?
  • The public education system definitely needs an overhaul. Standardized testing is a joke. All year round, we are taught how to pass a test, not things that will help us in the long run. A lot of students receive unequal education, simply because their learning style doesn't sync up with the school's.
    • We need to stop acting like higher education is flawless, because it isn't. College tuition and other costs are ridiculously high. I believe that college and any other post-secondary option should be free because education is an investment and if society preaches the importance of education, why do they make you jump through hoops just to obtain it?
  • Affirmative action is a difficult matter. By saying we need 10% of the student population to be black/latin@/etc., we are reducing people to quotas and that is dehumanizing and disgusting, but at the same time, people have been stuck in unfortunate circumstances.
  • Again, gun control is an iffy situation. Overall, when people buy them for self-defense, they are more likely to hurt themselves than the assailant, but if it's illegal, they're still a way to get it.
  • I support universal healthcare / Obamacare / whatever you want to call it.
  • I believe that we should legalize drugs, or at the very least, marijuana. It would help our economy, cut down on crime and since the government would regulate it, possibly cut down on addiction. That being said, it shouldn't be a top priority.
  • I am sex-positive. No matter if you're a virgin or promiscuous, society will try to make you look stupid for your choices, so why bother caring what they think? Our sex lives are no one else's business.
    • I don't believe in chastity or saving yourself. Yay for you if you put a ring on it, but that's not me. I'm waiting for the right person, but not necessarily for marriage.
    • Sex-shaming is dumb. My sex life is none of your business, and I don't judge you for your actions.
  • I am anti-porn. It is a disgusting industry that profits off the rape and abuse of women. Fuck no.
  • I'm extremely passionate about my dislike for rape culture, which is the idea that rape victims are somehow responsible for getting raped. The truth is, even if you were drunk, wearing skimpy clothes or promiscuous, no one deserves to be raped.
    • There's also various other disgusting and misogynist ideas behind rape culture, but that would take weeks for me to rant about.
  • If you haven't guessed, I am a feminist. Just because we have the right to vote, doesn't mean our battle is over. (Also, if your feminism doesn't include trans people and women of color, then you can just leave.)
  • I believe we should revoke tax-exempt status from churches that participate in political action. I believe we should ban high-fructose corn syrup and that it's stupid to proclaim English as the sole language of the US, since we weren't even the original occupants of North America.
  • I am extremely wary of charities that seem to market themselves towards teenagers like Toms, TWLOHA, Invisible Children, etc. It just seems super sketchy that they would market themselves exclusively to that age group.
    • My problem with TWLOHA is that it glamorizes cutting and suicide, and they do nothing, but sell ugly shirts and make money. They also donate to a bunch of homophobic anti-choice Christian ministry groups. Basically, they're trying to trick scene kids into going to church.
may 10 2010 ∞
may 18 2015 +