• Why you would be in a relationship if you're gonna cheat.
  • Why people gossip about people they don't even know.
  • People who feel the need to have a ton of friends on facebook.
  • People who don't smoke, but reblog pictures of weed/people smoking or act like they do.
  • Girl-hate. Saying “I hate other girls, because they’re catty and mean.” doesn’t make you a special snowflake; it makes you someone with internalized misogyny issues.
  • People who just take pictures of everything and take bathroom pix just why
  • Vera Bradley bags, especially the fact that teenage girls like them. wtf, you buy them at old lady stores, why would you be in there in the first place?
  • Why you would like a breakup on facebook. That's rude and disrespectful, even if you thought that the relationship was doomed or whatever.
  • Why people can't own up to a mistake. Even if you didn't know you were doing something wrong at the time you did it, you still need to apologize. Otherwise, you just look childish.
  • Why people feel the need to constantly be talking to/in a relationship with someone, especially since it's always people who have notoriously crappy relationships.
  • How people can study somewhere that isn't their home or the library. I would be soooo distracted.
  • How people can like Muse over Radiohead. Muse isn't a bad band; overrated, but not bad, but if you're gonna like a band in that genre, Radiohead trumps Muse.
  • Why people take AP classes and/or do a ton of extracurriculars and then whine about not having any time. Gee, I wonder why!
  • People getting upset about being a third wheel. The other two people wanted you there for a reason, be happy that they wanted to spend time with you.
    • Exceptions: if they're being jerks about it, then yeah, that's understandable.
  • Why people would do something they don't love or waste their time with something that makes them unhappy.
  • Why you would want to be a frat/sorority when college already costs so much. I can understand people's reasonings for wanting to be in them, but holy shit the costs.
  • Why people care so much about celebrities.
  • When people would like a "tbh" status of someone they don't even know.
    • TBH statuses are stupid, in general. No one is ever honest on those.
  • Why Chris Brown still has fans.
  • Fandoms. They really creep me out.
  • People who go crazy at college and then wonder why they have such horrible grades/are on academic probation.
  • If research papers are so essential to getting through college, why do you only start learning how to do them senior year of high school? Shouldn't we start earlier?
  • Why people hate Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day celebrates ALL love, not just romantic. People just want something to hate, I guess.
  • Mac Miller's popularity. He is a horrible rapper.
  • Everyone's obsession with serial killers. It would be fine, if most of the people who were obsessed with them, didn't glamorize or worship their actions.
  • Girls who wear makeup to the beach/pool. Why. (besides waterproof mascara, because that's the point)
  • The kind of guys who wear fedoras and like troll faces and whine about getting friend zoned. Wow shut up no one likes you
  • People who sleep in public settings and aren't homeless. That would make me so uncomfortable.
  • People who eat condiments by themselves. I'm counting peanut butter and Nutella too, even though I love those.
oct 9 2011 ∞
nov 11 2014 +