• every one looks fucking miserable...although all winter and spring, people (not me)go on about how much they wish summer would arrive as soon as it gets here and it's been hot for more than a day they moan.
  • no-one in england is equipped for 35 degree days, we don't know how to handle it. and god knows we don't have the wardrobe for it.
  • london fucking stinks in summer, it's a rancid, rotten nasal badness that I would recommend avoiding.
  • nowhere near enough places have AC. apparently being told for the last decade that global warming was going to do what it said on the packet was not enough warning for some people.
  • it's really difficult not to tan, even if you avoid outdoors as much as possible, there is NO ozone layer above london.
  • public transport. 'nuff said. they're just now thinking about air conditioning on the tube? when was AC invented? did they not think it would get hot down there?
  • you have to have the windows wide open at all times, thereby sleeping is somewhat of a challenge when faced with the constant barrage of sirens that life in central london produces.
  • I just don't like it.
jul 17 2006 ∞
mar 27 2007 +