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  • Recovering leg: This is a thing I should really pay attention to. Once the plaster cast is removed on Tuesday 7th of November, I have to start forming a walking habit. Short distances at first. Then making longer and longer walks. I have to stretch the muscles daily.
  • Beauty: Keep better care of my hair. Use lotion on my face and body to keep the skin moist through the winter months.
  • Health: Drink more water. Eat more healthy food, eat proper sized portions and stop eating shitty food so often. More fruits and vegetables. Do yoga, buy couple weights for training arms. Remember to stretch the muscles daily.
  • Living situation: Move in with my significant other. Get away from the old city and go back to north where I belong. Sort out things what I don't want or need anymore. The less the better.
  • Creativity: Make Christmas cards and actually send them to people. Draw more. Write more. Read more. Write in the diary and make a beautiful bullet journal.
  • Christmas preparations: What am I going to get for people? Inspect what they want for Christmas. Where am I going to spend the Christmas? It doesn't really matter to me but I'd like to be with my significant other. Find out if it's possible. And don't forget to bake a gingerbread house. Don't forget to buy the tea Advent calendar and candles.
  • What I want to do: I want to make a trip to the snowy woods with him and brew coffee outside.
oct 31 2017 ∞
dec 6 2017 +