• When we take responsibility for our own actions, we take the POWER back. Most of the time, we want to place blame to take the heat off ourselves. That’s childish & just makes it worse.
  • When you fuck up, own it. Apologize.


  • Now you have owned it, the next step is to fix it.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes; everyone screws up once in a while.
  • Decide exactly what you did wrong, and really think about what you can do in the future to help prevent that from happening again. Learn something, remember something, put something into place — make a concerted effort.
  • It’s human to make mistakes, but what makes you a great person is how you recover from them and ensure that you can prevent it from ever happening again.


  • When we hold on to our “fuck ups”, it eats us up inside.
  • Make sure you create a process to release the emotions in a constructive way.
  • Get yourself out of that negative headspace that will continue to haunt your mind and affect your ability to be a normal, functioning human being.
  • Finally, practice a bit of self-compassion following a moment of guilt and sadness over a mistake.
  • Don’t go beating yourself up.
  • Take a deep breath, try to calm yourself down, and remember that it isn’t the end of the world. You can always start again, and when your head hits the pillow, just remember Scarlett O’Hara’s classic, life-affirming adage, “After all… tomorrow’s another day!”
oct 31 2017 ∞
dec 6 2017 +