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I am

confident, likeable, thoughtful, selective, frank, adaptable, proud, loving, encouraging, happy, charming, sensitive, instinctive, witty, entertaining, punctual, agreeable, determined, mature, funny, reflective, analytical, efficient, ambitious, generous, alluring, entertaining, wise, abrupt, secretive, timid, worthless, envious, deceitful, manipulative, bored, careless, grouchy, forgetful...

lisa MUSIC
autobio (my epitaphs)
Reen hobbies (perfumes)
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  • I would only wear dresses for weeks after i saw the sound of music
  • I cut my own hair behind a bookshelf
  • The guy i liked threw a lego at me
  • Climbed to the top of the rope in gym and won an award
  • I wanted to change my name to amy, I had this fantasy that I would go back to my first grade teacher and she would say 'Caitlin is that you?' and I would go 'yeah, but my name's Amy now.' I thought I was hot shit
  • I let this kid kevin win in chess because i felt bad for him
  • If there was a tornado warning i would pack up all my stuff in a suitcase and sleep in the basement
  • I spent almost every day at my neighbors
  • My parents let me sit by a live tiger in home depot
  • I would run up to my parents and bite their leg
jan 28 2009 ∞
jul 7 2010 +