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I am

confident, likeable, thoughtful, selective, frank, adaptable, proud, loving, encouraging, happy, charming, sensitive, instinctive, witty, entertaining, punctual, agreeable, determined, mature, funny, reflective, analytical, efficient, ambitious, generous, alluring, entertaining, wise, abrupt, secretive, timid, worthless, envious, deceitful, manipulative, bored, careless, grouchy, forgetful...

lisa I LOVE
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
Reen hobbies (perfumes)
list icon
  • Who are you?
  • Where does the world come from?
  • Is there a basic substance that everything else is made of?
  • Can water turn into wine?
  • How can earth and water produce a live frog?
  • Do you believe in Fate?
  • Is sickness the punishment of the gods?
  • What forces govern the course of history?
  • Is there such a thing as natural modesty?
  • How can a baker bake fifty absolutely identical cookies?
  • Why are all horses the same?
  • Does man have an immortal soul?
  • What came first–the chicken or the "idea" chicken?
  • Are we born with innate "ideas"?
  • What is the difference between a plant, an animal, and a human?
sep 29 2009 ∞
feb 14 2010 +