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I am

confident, likeable, thoughtful, selective, frank, adaptable, proud, loving, encouraging, happy, charming, sensitive, instinctive, witty, entertaining, punctual, agreeable, determined, mature, funny, reflective, analytical, efficient, ambitious, generous, alluring, entertaining, wise, abrupt, secretive, timid, worthless, envious, deceitful, manipulative, bored, careless, grouchy, forgetful...

lisa I LOVE
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
Reen hobbies (perfumes)
  • mon petit chou
    • my little cabbage (term of endearment)
  • c'est la find des haricots
    • that's the end of the beans (thats the last straw)
  • les carottes sont cuites
    • the carrots are cooked (i've had it)
  • marcher à côté de ses pompes
    • to walk next to one's shoes (be out of it)
  • arrête ton char
    • stop your chariot (stop lying)
  • aller au charbon
    • to go to the coal mines (do something difficult)
  • casser les oreilles
    • break my ears (block out the noise)
apr 2 2009 ∞
may 4 2009 +