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confident, likeable, thoughtful, selective, frank, adaptable, proud, loving, encouraging, happy, charming, sensitive, instinctive, witty, entertaining, punctual, agreeable, determined, mature, funny, reflective, analytical, efficient, ambitious, generous, alluring, entertaining, wise, abrupt, secretive, timid, worthless, envious, deceitful, manipulative, bored, careless, grouchy, forgetful...

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My out of control mind at work

  • China is making Americans addicted to caffeine and then they'll suddenly make it all disappear, then everyone will fall asleep and they'll take over
  • Fishing? Seriously? That hobby does not make any sense to me.
  • Why is it such a big deal to eat a garnish? Sometimes it tastes good.
  • If I was ever going to put a flag in my front yard it would be a flag representing me
    • Why do people put a large flag pole in their front yard? Can't they just have a smaller one?
  • I want to spend a whole day using proverbs (Don't put all your eggs in one basket). Even if they don't make sense in the context I use them.
  • Can a bicyclist get a speeding ticket in a subdivision?
  • Does cutting those plastic ring things do anything since I don't live by a body of water?
  • If my baby came out a cyclops I would donate it to science
  • In my future home, I want a polar bear outside that will kill people I don't like. I also want a moat filled with box jellyfish because they're more deadly than sharks
  • I hate the word soul for two reasons:
    • Whenever I hear the word soul I picture a big black guy saying it.
    • I also think of a southerner saying 'sold' but it comes out like "I sol' all my eggs at the market".
  • Why are we blessed when we sneeze, but we need to be excused when we burp? Both are bodily functions.
  • Sleeping is stupid. Why would I ever want to do an activity where I lay alone in the dark for hours. I'm just doing the minimum from now on.
  • What if cars were invisible so it would just look like people flying around in the sitting position?
  • What if there was a town of twins?!
    • Make the entire town symmetrical
    • Separate into "good twin" side and "bad twin" side
    • Put a non-twin in there and make it a competition to find them
  • What if, one morning, the sun didn't rise. That would change everything we thought to be absolute!
  • Walking through Ann Arbor is like real life frogger
  • I hate hearing about people's dreams
    • They didn't actually happen.
    • Analyzing them is a waste of time. You interpret for what you want them to mean.
  • There are many similarities between J and the band Weezer.
apr 28 2009 ∞
jul 7 2010 +