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confident, likeable, thoughtful, selective, frank, adaptable, proud, loving, encouraging, happy, charming, sensitive, instinctive, witty, entertaining, punctual, agreeable, determined, mature, funny, reflective, analytical, efficient, ambitious, generous, alluring, entertaining, wise, abrupt, secretive, timid, worthless, envious, deceitful, manipulative, bored, careless, grouchy, forgetful...

lisa FILM
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  • Dialogue-
    • Me- I just want to look like a vixen.
    • Meg- When you said vixen, I pictured you with black hair in all leather
    • Me- Ew. That's gross. Don't do that.
    • Meg- Yeah, I probably shouldn't. Or at least not tell you when I do.
  • Mr. Liu- Donnely, I hope you get run over by my car.
  • Mr. Liu- Why are there so many tampons up there?!
  • Spencer- I was playing a video game and all of the sudden he licked my elbow!
  • Dialogue-
    • Raven- Who keeps leaving their trash on the table?!
    • Me- I have a good idea; let's hide it!
    • Donnely- Great idea Steinberg...Then, when they come looking for their trash, they'll wonder where the heck it went!
  • Mr. Liu- Mama was thickkkk
  • Mr. Liu- You need to live on the edge, use testicular in your paper!
  • Dialogue-
    • Mr. Liu- You're like Mario in Mario Cart, you're mediocre in everything.
  • Dad- (Pointing to Abercrombie bag) I thought they weren't going to use this picture of me.
  • Ms. Vala- Let's go over those redox equations. You know the ones that take seven steps and a few tears.
  • Dialogue-
    • I forget...- We stayed on the resort the whole time
    • I forget...- It's fun until it gets raided by Mexican terrorists
  • Dialogue-
    • Jessika- Your eyes are red, are you on drugs?
    • Katie- No...I was crying (sarcasm)
    • Jessika- Because you were doing drugs
  • Dialogue-
    • Sibrey- I hate people with boyfriends
    • Shelby- Sorry guys
    • Sibrey- Shelby, you don't have a boyfriend
  • Becky- whatever floats your oversized boat
  • Dialogue-
    • Me- have you ever seen in the land of women?
    • Jessika- sounds like a porno
  • Georgie- get twitter guys because the only person on there is one of my teachers, and it's really weird
  • Melissa- she probably can't afford tanning because she spends all her money on male hookers and herpes cream
  • Dialogue-
    • Me- yeah jessika can speak fluent russian
    • Georgie- say "i like to dance with mashed potatoes"
  • Dialogue-
    • Jackie- these uniforms make me look like zenon, girl of the 21st century.
    • Coach Gentz- start focusing girls
    • Jackie- how can i focus when i'm trying to save my space station from destruction?
  • Anna L- first jackie comes out followed by a pack of 'g's
  • Dialogue-
    • Me- you're like a maverick!
    • Jessika- is that a race car driver?
  • Jessika- call me j-unit
  • Dialogue-
    • Me- you have to be asian to be in it
    • Jessika- no! affirmative action!
    • Me- exactly...
    • Jessika- yeah i just wanted to say that...
  • Jessika- yeah i feel you too. wanna hang out this weekend, maybe fuck? have some pizza?
  • Dialogue-
    • Mom- i liked to watch star trek
    • Me- thats because you had nothing else to do, you lived on a farm. it was either watch star trek or milk the cows.
    • Mom- we didn't have cows
    • Me- feed the chickens?
    • Mom- we didn't have chickens either
    • Me- dress up the cats
    • Mom- star trek was more fun
  • Dialogue-
    • Liz- Nick Lachey just looks like a water bed
    • Ally- i would sleep on that waterbed
  • Liz- isn't due process how they order books at the library?
  • Dialogue-
    • Me- save a spot for delaney in team circle
    • Coach Gentz- make two spots for her butt
  • Meg- i love those songs where the guy lists random things about the girl like, "she loves opera" or "she can't get enough of africa"
  • Mrs. Vala- does that get your underwear in a bunch?
  • Mrs. Warner- it's kind of like "why didn't i think of that" like lyrics now a days like "I'm too sexy for my shirt." anyone could come up with that..."Sheri's got a big ol' butt oh yeah!"
  • Dialogue-
    • Me- tesselate sounds kind of sexual
    • Becky- i want to tesselate all over your body
  • Dialogue-
    • Melissa- did you make these rice krispie treats?
    • Me- yeah why?
    • Melissa- [sticks rice krispie treats under her dress] no reason
    • Lex- did you just stick that in your vagina?
    • Melissa- you liked it
    • Lex- rice krispie treat porn...snap, crackle, pop, yeah!
feb 15 2009 ∞
jan 11 2014 +