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20-something + Dutch. ENFP. Collector + maker of things. Online shop owner. Another nutrition-freak, eating as dairyfree and low-sugar/carb as she can, always vegetarian, preferably plant-based. Yoga-addict. MUAH inspired by old Hollywood glamour. Holistic beautician, soon to be therapist and dietitian. Admirer of the arts. Horror fan. Laughs at people who speak of themselves in third person.

Kate books (2025)
Things I Love (March 2025)
notes (films and TV series - 2025)
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
  • GEM Den Haag, Nabeeld - Amie Dicke
  • Singer Laren, Erotique Rodin
  • Maison de la Photographie, Marrakech
  • Stedelijk A'dam, Guido van der Werve - Nummer 14, Mike Kelley
  • Fotomuseum Den Haag, Zilveren Camera 2012
  • FOAM A'dam, Primrose - Russian Colour Photography, Jan Versweyveld - inbetweens - toneelgroep Amsterdam, Foam 3h: Jan Hoek - Me & My Models, Fashion &Foam
  • EYE A'dam, Oskar Fischinger
  • GEM/Fotomuseum Den Haag, Ja Natuurlijk
  • Singer Laren, van Cobra tot Dumas
  • Beelden aan Zee Den Haag
  • Bay of Bones, Ohrid
  • Kunstareal München
  • Alles is Fellini, EYE
  • Fotosynthese, hortus botanicus Amsterdam
  • weer eens Beelden aan Zee (Russia XXI en Oscar Jespers)
  • Gemeentemuseum ook (nul, zero en Amerikaanse minimal art, de anatomische les, lichaam als beeld, etc.)
  • Bowie by Duffy, FOAM
nov 29 2012 ∞
feb 6 2014 +