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20-something + Dutch. ENFP. Collector + maker of things. Online shop owner. Another nutrition-freak, eating as dairyfree and low-sugar/carb as she can, always vegetarian, preferably plant-based. Yoga-addict. MUAH inspired by old Hollywood glamour. Holistic beautician, soon to be therapist and dietitian. Admirer of the arts. Horror fan. Laughs at people who speak of themselves in third person.

Kate books (2025)
Things I Love (March 2025)
notes (films and TV series - 2025)
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
  • 23 oktober Film Fest Gent - Rota/Fellini - Brussels Philharmonic, Dirk Brosse
  • 19 oktober Hadewych Minis - the Truth and Nothing but the Truth
  • 14 oktober Glenn Branca + ensemble - ascension III
  • 26 september Leve de contrabas - residentie orkest
  • 12 september Haperende mens festival
  • 30 augustus Westerpop
  • 29 juni Parkpop
  • 28 juni Mecano un-ltd
  • 23 juni Woodkid + metropole orkest, Holland Festival
  • 21 juni Hofvijver concert festival classique
  • 14 juni pauze-concert 'orgelmuziek uit twee wereldoorlogen', Geerten van de Wetering
  • 15 maart Bach in de Bethlehemkerk - orgelconcert Aarnoud de Groen
  • 16 januari Nieuwsjaarsconcert - Mozart - delen uit Cosi Van Tutte - Residentieorkest + Dutch National Opera Academy
jan 30 2014 ∞
jan 1 2015 +