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20-something + Dutch. ENFP. Collector + maker of things. Online shop owner. Another nutrition-freak, eating as dairyfree and low-sugar/carb as she can, always vegetarian, preferably plant-based. Yoga-addict. MUAH inspired by old Hollywood glamour. Holistic beautician, soon to be therapist and dietitian. Admirer of the arts. Horror fan. Laughs at people who speak of themselves in third person.

Kate Things I Love (January 2025)
books (2025)
projects (ongoing)
a ~ notes (solo date inspo & things to do alone)
notes (favourites 2025)
  • Never forget you are a cinephile. Watch experimental arthouse movies, the more pretentious the better, as pretentiousness hits home appearantly.
  • Read. Gerard Reve is a save bet. But just read. Anais Nin, Hermann Hesse, Willem Melchior. READ. The only thing you have to do is keep turning pages and you’ll end up at your best you.
  • Then, write. Especially of your own erotic history.
  • Visit a museum alone. If it outside of the Hague, walk all the way from the station through the city and back. It becomes meditation.
  • Fasting for a few days and afterwards, eating super healthy. Makes me feel the priotities in my life clear. I become more productive and efficient.
  • Make something. Draw, clay, weave, knit, film & edit, make-up, hair. Create. It is the most satisfying thing.
  • Indulge in aesthethics. Remember how I want to be and present and characterize myself and my home. And then do so. This feels re-affirming.
  • Connect, or re-connect, with passions. You have a short attention span and this makes you hop from hobby to hobby or worse, forget about some of them. There isn’t enough space to keep them all alive all the time but whenever feeling seperated from yourself, invest in your earliest interest of dinosaurs again, for example, or play some chess. It will feel like an old friend.
  • Politics. If watching and reading everything I could find about a Dutch election helped me out of a anxious depression at age 13 instead of INTO one, it must be really healthy to me to focus on it, somehow.
dec 20 2017 ∞
jan 9 2019 +