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20-something + Dutch. ENFP. Collector + maker of things. Online shop owner. Another nutrition-freak, eating as dairyfree and low-sugar/carb as she can, always vegetarian, preferably plant-based. Yoga-addict. MUAH inspired by old Hollywood glamour. Holistic beautician, soon to be therapist and dietitian. Admirer of the arts. Horror fan. Laughs at people who speak of themselves in third person.

Kate books (2025)
Things I Love (March 2025)
notes (films and TV series - 2025)
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
  • create a structure to my life now that I turned 30, instead of living on impulse only
  • perfect trensen
  • live on Texel
  • take drawing and painting course at the rijks
  • take colloqium moderne kunst at the vrije academie
  • take lectures kunst en architectuur vanaf de renaissance tot 1860 at volksuniversiteit
  • take course ‘filosofie voor het goede leven’ at the school of life
  • take all crash courses at school of life
  • take 5 courses at Gimsel academy [0/5]
  • take a serious shot at voice acting
  • Make some friends as a couple. Obviously, we both have friends which the other then befriended, but they will always be his or my friend first. That’s cool and all, but I want to have friends that are friends of us as a unit. And that, if we break up, would have to celebrate their birthdays double so we both can come. I want that drama life. I’m born for that drama life.
  • drive route 66
  • backpack Asia (part of the hippie trail?)
  • airbnb our cabin
  • be out of debt
  • become a beauty ambassador
  • become a weightloss coach
  • book a hotel room with sight on the Erasmus bridge for new years eve
  • book the Efteling for new years eve
  • book a srprsme
  • buy a van
  • buy an outrageous chess set
  • buy the vacation home my boyfriend now rents as a second house
  • commit to waist training
  • complete an ayurverdic education
  • complete putting up 50 listings for my etsy store, for starters [9/50]
  • complete special make-up art school
  • create a routine for weight lifting
  • do a home exchange vacation
  • educate myself "even more" on ceramics
  • educate myself "even more" on weaving
  • stay in felt school forever
  • enter a film into a film festival
  • equip my atelier to satisfaction
  • equip my ceramics studio to satisfaction
  • excersize until I can call myself a lash stylist
  • finally visit Lowlands
  • finally visit Oerol
  • find a nice beauty salon to work in or set-up my own
  • find out my blood type
  • finish 5 more wellness academy courses [0/5]
  • finish making 5 short films [0/5]
  • finish some art school projects I never fisnihed because I dropped out, for closure
  • get a drivers license
  • get a post mortem make-up certificate?
  • get all the ear-piercings I want
  • go for short Paris, Texas hair
  • go for a perm
  • go see a movie a day for the duration of a month
  • go to a different museum each day for the duration of a week
  • go to a vipassana retreat
  • go to Bali
  • go to Cuba
  • go to Zanzibar
  • go to Japan
  • go to Russia
  • go stay in a strandhuisje
  • go to Chelsea flower show
  • have cooked every single recipe from Celia Brooks lowcarb/vegeterian/glutenfree cookbook
  • have my dear friend Laszlo do stand-up comedy or admit to Leids cabaretfestival again
  • have some things I made for sale at nice concept stores
  • invest in cryptocurrency
    • ArtByte
    • ReddCoin
  • join a tennis club
  • learn windsurfing
  • level up my English language skills
  • level up my French language skills
  • level up my German language skills
  • level up my Italian language skills
  • konmari my apartment(‘s)
    • workspace textile
    • workspace paint & ceramics
    • future apartment the Hague (so the contents of my storage when I have a the Hague place again)
    • current cabin Ermelo
  • paint or draw a good couple portrait of my boyrfiend and me
  • participate in a fitness programm (the 10 week sensual body transformation by Adina Rivers)
  • participate in the foodsisters lowcarb and no sugar 8 week diet to rehabilitate myself back into my healthy pattern
  • pay off my cc debt
  • pay off my debt to mom
  • pay off my debt to Robin
  • pay off the loan for the house
  • pay off the loan i loaned from the loan of the house (head hurts now)
  • persue a job as retreat coach (whether I get it is a different story)
  • practice until I am able to lucid dream
  • rent a the Hague apartment again
  • rug-hook a lot of cushions [0/50]
  • say yes to something I would not normally do
  • sign up for a pole dance course
  • sign up for a wine tasting course
  • sign up for performance anxiety coaching and neurofeedback
  • sign up for Spanish dance classes with my man
  • start going to specific yin yoga classes
  • start going to yoga x pilates classes, or just do pilates again
  • start two more weekly yoga groups next to my hatha yoga on friday [0/2]
  • start my online shop
  • Stop being so materialistic, stop the buying addiction. Stop being poor at the end of every month. Safe up.
  • take a flixbus somewhere solo (and not just the commute I make to Paris to work)
  • train myself to be in pictures again (which I ever since my eating disorder avoid), especially full body pics
  • try a ketogenic diet for a considerate time, longer than ever before
  • try 16:8
  • try a mesologic consult
  • try being vegan for a month (I’m always vegetarian but only often vegan, I think it’s a nice challenge to see what it’s like fulltime)
  • try to find a steady job in my field, for as far as a job as a muah can be steady
  • try to self publish a poetry ‘n prose book, with my own illustrations and photo’s, maybe to give away with orders or something?
  • up my password game
  • visit all cineville cinema's
  • visit foreign amusement parks [0/3]
  • win something
  • write morning pages for a month and stick with it if it turned out to be helpful
  • write my 35 year old self via
  • meditate more. Buy headspace.
  • be done renovating & decorating Ermelo
  • buy an ark shelter
  • buy a drone
  • make some friends in Gelderland
  • think of how I can maybe get a side job in a garden centre as I discovered I love plants and gardening so very much
  • have children, or not. Decide.

Disclaimer: I’m a fraud; I made this list when I was 27 already, so some goals where achieved long before my 30th birthday. Technically I made a false start. But who knows, just you, who took the time to scroll all the way down here, and me. Just the two of us. It can be our little secret, non?

oct 14 2017 ∞
feb 22 2021 +