Ohno got jealous of Jun taking care of Nino so he dropped a bomb. LOL

  • Sho: but isn’t it wonderful that we call him Ken-chan? it’s great that we’re on good terms with our seniors that much. with whom are you close? do you go for drinks with them?
  • Jun: I go with Gussan (Yamaguchi). speaking of, I hung out with Nino the other day. Yamaguchi-kun was with us, too.
  • Nino: oh and the white one from Kanjani was with us. er… Yokohata? Yokoi? Yoko… Yoko… Yokoyama! (laughs) Yamaguchi kun made an eye contact with me which got me think “oh this is dangerous”. and then he suggested we drink a tequila shot every time a customer entered the bar. and unfortunately, ppl came in one after another continuously that night and I ended up drinking seven shots in a row. I felt sick, so I decided to escape to the restroom and puke in the toilet. so I was there hugging the toilet and vomiting. then, someone knocked on the door with a rat a tat tat. so I was like what the. it was Jun kun… as knocking on the door he said “Nino you are there, right? I know what’s going on. open the door(ニノだろ?分かってるから、開けて)”. (audience shrieks) I thought “what do you mean you know what’s going on. I’m throwing up.” but Jun kun kept hammering the door so I had to let him in. then, he stroked my back for almost half an hour and put his finger deep inside mouth so I could throw up more easily. Jun kun knew what was going on indeed.
  • Ohno: he likes putting his fingers in a mouth. (好きだよねー指入れるの)
  • Sho: …wha… what did you say??
  • Ohno: Matsujun, he likes putting his fingers in a mouth. (松潤、好きだよねー指いれるの)
  • Jun: wait wait wait, what are you talking about?! (panics) (待て、待て、待て、どういうことだよ?!)
  • Ohno: you did the same thing when our manager got drunk and puked. (前にマネージャーが酔っ払って吐いてたときも、松潤、同じことしたもんー)
  • Jun: that’s not how you should put it, is it?! why don’t you just say I take a good care of people!! (それって、指入れるのが好きってことじゃないだろ!?よく介抱してるよねって言えよっ!!)
sep 29 2018 ∞
sep 29 2018 +