You’ve heard it so many times before but here it is again: REMOVE EVERYONE IN YOUR LIFE THAT TREATS YOU LIKE A SECOND CHOICE, AN AFTER THOUGHT, LIKE YOU WERE ONLY CREATED FOR THEIR CONVENIENCE. The people who tell you that are the people who have been through it before. They’re not saying “Give them another chance. Talk to them about how you feel. Did you do something to make them be that way?” No. They are saying remove those people as if they are a stain on your favorite shirt. Delete them. Erase them from your mind like you would a show from your Netflix queue that you know you will never watch. It might be insensitive but who gives a fuck. Obviously they don’t if they treat you like you are disposable. Like you are a gas station that is always open for their convenience. You’ve been friends for years? Good. It gives you a better reason to rid of them. Because if they’ve been doing this to you for years, they knew what they were doing all along. You don’t have to treat them like an enemy, but you also don’t have to treat them like they are your priority, your only responsibility. They don’t seem to have a problem when they are writing you at the bottom of their list of the things to care about in life, so why should you? Why should you be the only one who is constantly making an effort, constantly trying to mend the remaining pieces, constantly trying to keep them in your life. You are not their personal therapist, so stop opening yourself up like one. Stop handing out your love and dedication to those who will only give it to someone else and say that it was their creation, their realization, their struggle. You are fighting your own battle, and if you come across someone who claims to be on your side but always seems to be rooting for the other team, give them your last white flag and tell them to cover up the remnants of what is left of your alliance.” — "You never needed them," - Colleen Brown