- A - I'm a sucker for anything acoustic.
- B - I really really want an english bulldog.
- C - my astrological sign is Cancer.
- D - I can always count on my dad for anything & everything.
- E - I have "beautiful eyelashes" according to Raissa lol. I don't think they're anything special, but ppl always compliment me on them for some reason anyway :P
- F - most distinguishing feature = perfectly circular birthmark in the middle of my chest under my collar bone (faded 'strawberry hemangioma' from when I was a kid. I hate it)
- G
- H - I'm hypothyroid. (explains my shortness lol)
- I - iced coffee is my saving grace.
- J
- K - I got my first kiss when I was 16.
- L - the meaning of 'love' seems intangible to me, & I'm scared i'll never be able to truly find it.
- M - everyone knows I love Marilyn Manson for his music. but I also admire him for his intelligence and his water colour art.
- N - virtually NO ONE gets to see me cry.
- O - I have O.C.D. tendencies sometimes :P
- P - I was a prem baby.
- Q - fav quote = "The future depends on what we do in the present."
- R
- S - I'm short. only 5 ft 1/2 an ich! lol
- T - I wanna get a tattoo but the only thing stopping me is the possibility i'd regret it when i'm older & have to get it removed (=major scarring).
- U
- V - vegetable I luv= sweet potatoes
- W
- X
- Y
- Z - couldn't think of anything for "z" other than this story: when I was 6, just before my sister was born, my parents wanted me to suggest a name for the new baby girl. I suggested "Zoe" and it became her middle name. Later they found out that I'd named her "Zoe" after the orange monster on Sesame Street lol.
(to be finished later)
aug 27 2009 ∞
jun 14 2011 +