• Sargasm: Deriving far too much satisfaction from glibly berating another with sarcasm.
  • Manicorn: a mythical male creature who is successful (read: pursuing his passion and can pay his electric bills/rent), funny, chivalrous, masculine (read: not chauvinistic), adventurous, artistic (read: not suicidal).
  • Bachelor Wash: A quick soap-free rinse of a plate, cup, or utensil which had recently been used. I do this sometimes lol
  • Dick Magnet: The opposite of a chick magnet.
  • Ex-Hole: your asshole ex-husband, ex-boyfriend or just plain ex. a phrase used to refer to that person you used to date that you can't stand.
  • Bale Out: Shout outs to Revolucian's remix of Bale's outburst. When someone's stress level explodes to an epic proportion and a 5-minute f-bomb-laden tirade is unleashed on the unlucky soul who was in the wrong place at the wrong time -- much like Christian Bale on the T4 set.
  • Boyfriend Drop: Subtly adding the fact that you have a boyfriend into the conversation in order to deter anyone who is potentially interested.
  • Slurring Your Text: when you're so drunk that you're texts are unreadable.
  • Pornocchio: A person who embellishes their sexcapades to sound cooler.
  • Bangover: Sore neck as a result of headbanging at a metal concert.
  • Foreploy: misrepresenting yourself on a date in hopes of getting lucky.
  • Cookie Duster: A full mustache capable of dusting the tops of cookies.
  • Conversational Blue Balls: When someone brings up a topic when talking but immediately drops it and refuses to switch back to the dropped topic.
  • Facebrag: To use Facebook as a platform to brag. Normally about a job, internship, trip, purchase or anything else that nobody really needs to know but you'd like to tell everyone because you're awesome.
  • Life Password: The password that you use for every website, email account, facebook, twitter, everything. Having a 'life password' is not a good idea, but everyone does it.
  • Tolerance Juice: Any concoction of alcohol used to help tolerate a person, a place, or a situation. In theory, the more tolerance juice you consume, the less annoyed you will be.


oct 16 2009 ∞
jul 14 2010 +