• i want to reach for stars and grasp more than air (though sweet) between my fingers.
  • if you could continue being my darling, even if only in my dreams, i think i'd carry enough happiness to continue living this life.
  • the flow of those written words are like a woven cloth--uneven in certain spots, but something i can wrap around me in the dark.
  • soon, i will hunt for film cameras and typewriters in thrift stores.
  • corduroy is also called corded velveteen, which makes me catch my breath.
  • i had dreams of living in an old bookstore. but i've been wearing the perfumes of these history books all day, and i must say that my head feel a bit of pain (or is it simply sleep depravation?) and my mouth tastes odd (or do i simply need water?).
  • you're the loveliest, i say, for your unnatural tolerance of my antics. how rare and undeserved.
  • "This is what I admire: the admixture of whimsy and precision. Do we admire in others what we wish for in ourselves? (I lack any trace of whimsy, and possess only marginal precision.)"
  • my newest discovery is that i am a 'highly sensitive person' (hsp). i'm not alone in having a highly tuned nervous system.
  • joshua bell is going to be in my area in february! being able to buy tickets to see such concerts is a good reason to want to get a job, right?
  • i feel so bad about how much money i need to ask my parents for this week. graduation fees are so ridiculous.
  • i'm wearing neutral colours and feeling quite the same.
  • i really want to see a performance of the nutcracker.
  • being sore and sick is no way to be. this always seems to happen near christmas too! i want to be well enough to go caroling at the end of this week.
  • i just realised that i haven't seen my navy sweater/shirt at all this fall. the one that i'm only attached to because it's made in ireland, haha. i'm a little perturbed by this; i need to clean my room, obviously.
  • i really want a laptop skin of renior's 'the boating party'! or maybe degas's 'group of dancers' ...
oct 1 2010 ∞
dec 13 2010 +