• I got that skirt I've been lusting over from Local Honey! And that sweater too!
  • Drawing at Art & Soul.
  • Wife Swap with an irate black lady and some crazy hillbilly kids.
  • My hair is especially blue today. Not really, I just love it, even though it's kind of a bad dye job.
    • I freaked out some kids at the grocery store today. They were all wearing CRAZY NEON SHIRTS and sitting outside and I walked out and they all turned their heads and stared at me.
    • Then I was just skippin around the parking lot and I returned the cart and they kept staring. Being weirded out by a girl with blue hair is like me being weirded out by a bunch of kids in CRAZY NEON SHIRTS. haha.
aug 7 2009 ∞
aug 7 2009 +