• All I really want to do when I'm done with high school, is get a house. I might decide to go to college or something, that'll probably happen. But the main thing I want is to have a house in Nashville with a few rad people.
    • I don't want to get out of Tennessee. I'll definitely get out of Franklin, I'll just move myself 20 minutes north, into the city.
  • I find it strange when people talk about how much they hate Nashville and how they want to get as far away from it as they can.
    • I love this town, man. Everything and everyone I love is here. Why would I want to leave anytime soon?
  • I go through phases of creativity where I'll have one thing that I do constantly, then move to the next thing, then to the next, and so on.
    • Painting (acrylics)
    • Zombies
    • Poetry
    • the Blue Sketchbook
    • Ugly Girls
    • Letters & mail
    • Dear Diaries

That's the current one.

  • It's always the last person you'd expect.
    • By this, I mean that the person you hang out with most, or the person you're going out with, or the person you want to go out with, or your first kiss, or your last kiss, or your best friend, etc etc etc, is (not always but) a lot of times the last person you'd expect to be that person.

If that makes sense.

  • I always think about things that are happening right now and how in 30 years, I'll be telling my kids about it, saying things like
    • "You know, I remember when the iPhone came out." or
    • "I remember when President Obama was elected. I went to the most conservative school in the county at the time and everyone was pissed except me." or
    • "I remember when BlueRay came out, and thinkin 'What the hell is blueray?' and kids, I STILL don't know what the hell blueray is!"
    • I think about that shit so much, with almost everything that happens.
    • And I always end up narrating it in my head, as if I was writing a book or a letter or telling my kids or my grandkids about it.
  • Also I always think about how this new technology will one day be old and outdated technology. And that scares me.
  • Also I think about how much I hate all this useless new shit. I have my macbook, my ipod, and my piece o shit phone and that's all I need as far as technology goes.
  • ALSO I really hate how CDs are about to become a thing of the past. I love buying CDs and looking at the album art and the liner notes and just having a copy of the damn thing that I can play in the car or whatever, because not everyone can hook a fucking iPod up to the car.

That's just some stuff that's been on my mind lately.

sep 8 2009 ∞
sep 8 2009 +