
  • 01/03: cleaned the bathroom. painted my nails. continued making lists. ielts results have been delayed. had a short conversation with him. ate fried rice and drank pineapple flavoured tea.
  • 02/03: woke up early. busy afternoon helping mum. ielts results were actually ready. gege prepared biscuits with haribo which were somehow edible. delicious meal at night. went to the cinema with giani and her family.
  • 03/03: delicious lucuma slush drink. became bts trash completely. watched horimiya ova. almost missed my appointment with the dentist. i was told i look older than my actual age. need to catch up on the 100.
  • 04/03: i've done nothing productive at all. discovered music i like on 8tracks. continued organizing lists. i'm reconsidering studying chinese. tried to draw yoongi. i think i'll go to sleep earlier than yesterday.
  • 05/03: got stressed out and didn't want to do anything... i was completing my online application form for the international foundation programme at qmul when i randomly decided to log out... it turns out that i didn't receive any username or password or an email confirmation so now i'm not able to access to mysis. i think i'll need to make a new application, hopefully there won't be any problems. meanwhile, i'm still waiting for my recommendation letter!!
  • 06/03: a customer told me that i have pianist's hands. feel much better after sharing my concerns with mum and dad. trying to relax. went out to eat with my mum. walked a lot, actually not a lot but my feet are tired. bought a cute rilakkuma liquid soap container.
  • 07/03: ate a lot of sushi rolls. i've never eaten so many in my life. gege found photographs and videos of our family trip to huancayo back in 2011. he discovered some embarrassing photos of me. it had me laughing so hard. it brought back memories and it made me feel nostalgic.
  • 08/03: today i went to cami's house. had a great time with my besties. ate a really big bowl of cesar salad at chillis. danced to justin bieber's 'sorry' lol.
  • 09/03: we didn't have electricity in the morning. i spent the day reading a study handbook. still waiting for my recommendation letter. mum said my auntie knew a translator. i think i will stick to qmul. watched the truman show with gege.
  • 10/03: made lots of lists. wore a new skirt. made plans tomorrow with giani. decided to read more the dictionary i own. went out to eat with mum again. i am definitely really full.
  • 11/03: really nice day. had lots of fun with giani. we laughed a lot. so many memories. delicious lucuma smoothie/milkshake. i hate hot weather.
  • 12/03: i think i'm gaining weight lol. feel much more relaxed after hearing from the teacher i asked for the recommendation letter. hopefully it will be ready by monday afternoon. wrote a short personal statement. must look for a translator.
  • 13/03: facetimed early in the morning with cindy. typical sunday at the restaurant. ate dumplings. nothing more to say, i mean, write.
  • 14/03: lately i've been going out with mum to eat. today we ate pancita, rachi and mollejita. painted my nails teal. watched bts hyyh on stage via youtube. i wish i had the chance to go to one of their concerts. i love them so much.
  • 15/03: woke up super early (around 5:00 am). typical day i guess. mum prepared 'chupe de camarones'. did the laundry. spent the day colouring 'secret garden'. got into j-drama 'from five to nine'.
  • 16/03: woke up and accompanied my mum for a walk. cleaned my room and mopped the floor. helped out in the restaurant for a bit. made macaroni and cheese for dinner. cought a cold grrr. watched 'cast away'.
  • 17/03: feel much better than yesterday. met up with cami and benites. ate an ice cream. went to the cinema. watched kung fu panda 3. played 'second son' with cami's ps4 for the first time.
  • 18/03: spent hours customising my tumblr. continued reading 'wedding night' by sophie kinsella. found a english-chinese dictionary. got my period after a whole month (or two months). nothing interesting happened.
  • 19/03: i really hate it when my parents start arguing. met up with my friends at ivi's. played cards against humanity. had a great time playing guitar hero. also just dance lol. and let's not forget about 'never have i ever'. now i have a headache from drinking a few shots.
  • 20/03: had a stomachache all day. typical sunday at the restaurant. my parents are worried because of my 'recommendation letter delay'. i am as well it's just that it's so stressing i don't even want to think about it. cutomized my blog (s-h-a-r-m-a-n) appearance almost all day long. ate roasted chicken late at night, yummy.
  • 21/03: wasted an entire day doing literally nothing. got accepted to network 'suga-net'. joined their group chat on kakaotalk. all members seem friendly. i'm way too shy to talk to them. maybe some other day.
  • 22/03: accompanied mum to a medic centre for a checkup. watched some tutorials on how too draw portraits. i want to make bts portraits and post them on tumblr and/or deviatart. discovered many blogs. giani made me feel nostalgic because she's already started going to uni.
  • 23/03: totally forgot to write about my day. too lazy to actually remember what i did on this day. lol.
  • 24/03: finally! finally my teacher sent me the recommendation letter i've been asking her for so long. spent the day on tumblr. i've been obsessed with tumblr all summer tbh. started practicing how to draw portraits of precious min yoongi. gotta get better at drawing hair.
  • 25/03: went to 'calle capón' with mum, gege, julio and jonathan. it's suppose to be autumn but the weather is so hot it's killing me. went to the cinema. watched 'zootopia', it was fun. we didn't open the restaurant today so it was relaxing.
  • 26/03: mum wasn't feeling well so i helped all day at the restaurant. don't know why i started to feel gloomy. also don't know why i burst into tears. have been watching season 10 of 'the voice'.
  • 27/03: tried to wake up early but i couldn't. had a weird dream with him. a really realistic one (╥_╥). another typical sunday at the restaurant. talked with my cousin 'a manyi' via wechat. i've been listening to tori kelly.
  • 28/03: dad made me furious this morning. i really suck at containing my tears. my sketching improved a lot. got in touch with a translator. finally, another step closer to applying to uni.
  • 29/03: can't believe march is coming to an end soon. kinda figured out my own drawing style, kinda. spent all day drawing and surfing on the internet.
  • 30/03: i hate it when not every employee shows up to work. finally watched sherlock's 2016 special. there was this starbucks promotion in which you get the 2nd frappuccino for free. i tried the white mocha one. did a videochat with a friend.
  • 31/03: that's it, march is over. wow. i can't believe it. today i went to hiraoka with dad and gege. we bought a new printer, since the one we have stopped working. after that gege and i went to a coffee shop/bakery for dinner. oh and the translations are ready, yaaas.
mar 1 2016 ∞
mar 13 2018 +