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An arrogant, film/literature obsessed, narcissistic, annoyingly geeky, rambling, needlessly serious, terribly offensive, sociopathic Shannyn Sossamon wannabe who thinks she was raised by a pack of foxes.

  • you taught me everything that I am today. About independence, originality, respect, making your own decisions about religion, being a complete jerk to everyone, charm and charisma, fighting, music, all of that. I sometimes question how proud of me you actually are, but you always manage to buddy up with me anyways.
  • you are basically the same person as me, but not at all. We act exactly the same, that is. I have a little bit more respect for "weird" people than you do. And I'm a little bit more "psycho" than you are, as you like to put it. And I'm a little more laid back, you're a little more driven. You're a little bit more of the general definition of pretty, I'm a little more musically inclined and quirky. I could go on and on, but it all adds up. It doesn't matter. You're still my sister. I still see the strange, hyper active version of you that I love way more than the version of you when you're with Ryan.
  • You're my favorite cousin. You grew up being mistaken for my brother, and we saw a lot from your mom together. You protect me from all of the bad guys you think I should avoid, and you invite me to go places with you and your girlfriend. You're just a fun guy, and I love you. You're seriously just the brother that I always needed, but never had.
  • You have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Like the rest of my family, you are absolutely insane. But what you do for your foster children has moved me over the years in such a way that I can not find words to explain. You don't even do it for the money, you do it because you love kids and you want them to have something to hold onto. And that's exactly what you've done for them.
  • I can blame you for the many people who have accused me of being a hipster. No summer memory will ever compare to the ones I have of skulking around your antique shop. And the memories of practicing pool all day up in your sweaty attic while I listen to your Janice Joplin records. You and your wife taught me about photography, antiques, old music, painting, pottery, name it. You taught me everything that formed the artsy fartsy side of me.
  • You are, without a doubt, insane. And sometimes I wonder if you're more attracted to me than you are people of the opposite sex. You're loud. You're irritating. You're potentially stupid. But you're fun as all get out, and you take me everywhere. If I want to have a good time without worrying about what people think, I can always go to you. So, um, thanks for never acting your age, I guess.
  • Your attempts at suicide have killed me throughout the years. You ignored me when I was a child, and I hated it. I was terrified of you. And you've always had a good go at tearing this family apart. But I can see that you're a very sweet person. You mean well, I know. I don't blame you for only acknowledging my sister in the past. That one night, when you ran off to my house because you were so unhappy...even though I basically watched you attempt suicide again, you made me very happy that night. Confused, but happy. You latching onto me and crying on my shoulder while you apologized for never treating me right and putting me through this... I don't even care how intoxicated you were or if you even remember it, thank you.
  • You abandoned us when I was younger. And you were my best friend. You ran off with the woman you were having an affair with and favorited her grandkids up in TN, rather than me. That nearly ate you alive. Since then, people won't stop telling me about how I look just like you..and how I have Galloway eyes..and how you always loved me so much. And how I got my hotheadedness from you. I kept hearing stories about how you would always get in fights, and how you cheated during every race you ever participated in and one, and how you were so conning, and how you had some troublemaking friends who ruined most of what you were. And now that I'm older, I can finally understand that if was for the best that you left the state. You had a lot of things you needed to get away from. And you come see me now, so it's alright. You teach me secrets of driving when we're together. Sure, maybe you never built me my first car like you had promised, but I love you. And I always will, so. I can't change the fact that there's so much of you in me.
  • You are the most outspoken 80 something year old lady that I know. You're absolutely adorable, and you never fail to make me laugh. You always talk in that sweet little voice, even when you're saying things like "gay sex" and "he wouldn't be my husband!" (when your morbidly obese dog humped his toy once and was suddenly out of breath). You give people that odd look that makes them wonder if they should hug you and never let you go or stop talking. And you're pretty foxy for your age. I'll never get over how many boyfriends you've had and how many old men you've flirted with over the past ten years. You're just..who I would hope to be when I am that age.
aug 10 2012 ∞
aug 10 2012 +