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An arrogant, film/literature obsessed, narcissistic, annoyingly geeky, rambling, needlessly serious, terribly offensive, sociopathic Shannyn Sossamon wannabe who thinks she was raised by a pack of foxes.

listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • a catty ginger who has the ability to make anyone feel like a piece of crap, whether it be with her raging glares or her tall and skinny figure that pisses people off.
  • A cute, sociopathic Texan who has ridiculous talent in all sports, has a scarily good Chinese impersonation, and who is almost too good at talking crap to people.
  • A rich girl who can probably hack anyone's account on any website and who could ruin someone's life with one little click on the internet. Also talented in buying too much soap, getting herself into trouble, playing video games, and scooping ice cream.
  • A strange little buggar who could tell you every line of every "Doctor Who" episode, educate you extremely well on Greek mythology or time travel, or annoy the everliving piss out of you. Depends on how he's feeling that day. Also talented in film making, confusing people, and playing every instrument known to man.
  • A short boy who has a real problem with being a pervert. Could potentially break a world record for being slapped by the most girls in a month.
  • A dork who is only talented in being a good friend, playing video games, math, being a chubby chaser, and embracing his needlessly deep voice.
  • A girl who gives THE BEST go-to-hell looks that I have ever seen.
aug 17 2012 ∞
aug 17 2012 +