- let him take me on that fancy date
- get all dolled up for that date
- make fun of everyone else in the restaurant on that date, as he said.
- tailgate with my family
- let him take me to the Clemson-Georgia Tech game, even if I'm not that big of a sports fan.
- Go to downtown greenville, maybe
- let him kiss me, probably
- play him a song or two on guitar
- try my hardest not to get too attached
- open my birthday present from him
- remember to act super happy and surprised about the present
- thank him for the present, a lot
- take lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures with him and of him, yeah!
- dance with him so he doesn't throw a hissy fit
- let him see our tiny, back water town.
- try my best to look decent for the whole 4 days
- see if he can pick me up at school on friday and jsfhdlf
- work around curfew so that I can spend the most time with him humanly possible
- get a few videos for a short film, maybe
- talk to people in our fake Chinese accents
- let him wear my dad's lady getter hat, even if only for a moment
- spend time with his parents and with Branson, if he even gets to come
- if his flight doesn't land until after I get out of school, see if you can go to the airport to pick him up or whatever.
- try not to cry when he leaves
aug 17 2012 ∞
aug 17 2012 +