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An arrogant, film/literature obsessed, narcissistic, annoyingly geeky, rambling, needlessly serious, terribly offensive, sociopathic Shannyn Sossamon wannabe who thinks she was raised by a pack of foxes.

  • fripp trip one- my whole family stayed in the same house, I watched Will pick up 8 girls in one night, my dad twisted Clark into a human pretzel and made his mouth touch his anus, Carley almost murdered Todd, Carley ran away, and we got eaten alive by sand fleas.
  • myrtle beach with Brittany- I began my ongoing game of getting guys at the beach, Philip and I became best buddies, I met some guy who was skimboarding, I kissed that guy under the dock which happened to be my first kiss. okay.
  • fripp trip two- annabelle and cameron came, we saw people partying and scrumping through a window, Will got pulled over for having too many people on his golf cart, I got sunburned for basically the first time in my life.
  • Destin with Hannah- Hannah got fried, I got black, games with Philip and Kaycee every night, we met Daxton Kirk and his step brother Trip, we met Colby who was the most irritating little buggar I have ever met, we got raped by fish, we watched the firework show on the beach with Daxton and I ended up getting hit in the head with a fire cracker and getting an ash in my eye, we accidentally watched porn with Dax, my mom got mad at us for not being serious when she tried to do a photoshoot of us, my dad stole things and got people to give him everything on the 4th of July, we rode the elevators and walked down every hallway of every floor, I very casually kissed Daxton on the last night, Josh chewed me out on the whole car ride home
  • fripp trip three- cj came along which was really weird because he and I used to have a thing, I met Josh Wilkes and Jake Johnson, Carley and I fought a lot, Will came and protected me if he ever saw me talking to guys, Josh Wilkes tried to hold my hand, my whole family got lit on the beach and I had to carry all of their stuff back, Todd knocked over someone's mailbox when he was drunk, jokes wouldn't stop being made about Cj "being in love with me", Kelly and I actually made ammends, I got pulled over by a rentacop, we picked up a random stranger off the street and took him to his beach house, we just yelled at people a lot, cj got drunk and felt a girl up on a golf cart at the marina, Will picked up two girls I didn't know and let them drive which bothered me because I ended up almost breaking my nose, we hid from the rentacops because we were out past curfew, I had to watch cj pee
  • fripp trip four- I wasn't interested in meeting guys for once because I was so wrapped up in Riley, Big Todd became my best friend, we caught two alligators, fishing, fishing, more fishing, will and todd told me their drunk stories, Big Todd was a waterpark wizard, Todd was an international harvester, I talked to Riley for hours every night on the phone, too many people stopped my grandma on the beach and wanted to talk to her foster baby
  • Barbados- I met Keaton, Fiqqy became my brother and went everywhere with us, I swam with sea turtles, Keaton bought me a necklace at the rum punch party and got me to dance with him, we messed with people on the elevator, we jumped off of a construction building into the ocean one night and ended up getting in trouble for trespassing, we had some incredible fish sandwiches, we all danced a lot, I lied about my age accidentally, my parents actually let go for once, my sister called me psycho and I ended up swinging at her, I talked to some Brazilian people, I talked to some Irish people, we shopped a lot, rum punches ruined my family and Keaton's, Fiqqy's mom and one of the hotel workers had a fling, karaoke (especially "Sweet Caroline"), Oistens and how it was hell, Jenga in the executive lounge, Keaton and I watched sea turtles lay eggs in the sand on the last night, 5 hour plane flights
aug 10 2012 ∞
aug 10 2012 +