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In general:

  • Focus on working in brighter colours and toning down muddy colours
  • The palette I'm working to is this painting by Vivan Sundaram
    • Which I do understand is a political painting that asks for more thought than 'ooh pretty colours, convert into wardrobe inspiration', but, you know, here we also are
  • Silhouette: tighter on the top, baggier on the bottom, chunky shoes
    • Boxy looks with hip-length jackets

Trends and details I love:

  • Utility: I love the external trouser pockets that have been everywhere lately, and I still really love boiler suits and worker's jackets
  • Kitschy ruffles and puff sleeves and 70s details are still a lot of fun
  • Colour blocking

Pieces I'm excited to work looks around

  • Chunky cream chelsea boots - they instantly make every outfit feel more fresh and interesting
    • To wear with wide-legged trousers, maxi skirts and long dresses
  • Boxy pale yellow jacket
  • New black and blue floral patterned Pomona pants
    • To wear with plain t-shirts, simple chain necklaces, jumpers and chunky boots
  • Blue and cream vintage sleeveless dress
    • To wear as a pinafore over turtleneck jumpers and with chunky white boots
    • To wear open as a long waistcoat over jeans and a shirt for a slightly more fashion-y look?

Things I'd like to buy or sew

  • Skirts! Almost all the ones I own are too small for me.
    • Long linen skirts in simple block colours. I'd like to make some using the DIY Daisy Trapezoid Skirt tutorial.
    • I've wanted a long denim skirt or pinafore for years, so if I get lucky in the charity shops...
  • Some brighter winter-appropriate dresses, but that either don't look weird with black tights or are long enough to cover them.
    • Currently sewing a wrap dress in some really beautiful purple, orange blue patterned fabric which will hopefully be modest enough for work events and family gatherings, but also feel fun and trendy
  • Orange sweatshirt to wear with patterned trousers or with cargo pants, over turtlenecks or a plain white shirt
  • A leather jacket but I do not have the cash for one and I'm being super fussy, so this completely depends on me getting lucky in a charity shop

Brands and Instagram accounts that have been inspiring me:

oct 4 2023 ∞
mar 6 2024 +