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———————— temperance & the hierophant


  • saguitarrius (temperance): adaptable, restless, volatile, quick to anger, freedom-loving, and drawn to philosophical abstraction
  • taurus (the hierophant): rooted, steady, slow to anger, simultaneously loyal and jealous, appreciator of true value


  • free thinking vs. traditional
  • explosive effort vs. steady progress
  • warrior vs. academic

temperance and the hierophant share a passionate nature, a concern for the purity of intention and action, faith in personal evolution, and perfectability. both are impatient with wrongdoing and lack of effort.

they contrast as natural vs. formal, personal vs. hierarchical, righteous vs. moral, and individual vs. communal. self-knowledge contrasts with received lineage. the path of mighty effort contrasts with the path of perfect surrender.

together, they can be focused, inspired, and charismatic. they can be both trusted leaders and loyal followers. they know, speak and act from their own highest truth.

sep 15 2022 ∞
sep 20 2022 +