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sorry for typos and emotionally unstable summaries

if you like any fic linked in this list, please let the author know by leaving a comment/kudos! just smth short like "hey I found this fic and I love it so much" means the world! The more we engage, the more likely they'll post and update their fics. Magical things happen when readers care!!!


listography NEW NEWS

most of them are classics so i'm obligatorily listing them to complete my list

  • Zodiac - HONESTLY
  • Anterograde Tomorrow - no comment srsly
  • Absolute Chanyeol - yeah yeah i know
    • Be Human - i swear, why must all the cult fics be so fucccking sad and tragic???
  • Arbitrage - nope i don't need this i'm packing my stuff and moving to Canary Island BYE
  • Office Antics - After the tragic fic bandwagon /glares at the fics listed above/ this is simply life-changing
  • Clubrooms & Weirdos - another quality crack of the OA sort. OT12 + kaisoo,hunhan,baekyeol (kaisoo centered) ¨v¨
  • Kaisoo Project 2014 - I'm so grateful that this exists <33
  • Kaisoo Valentine's Project - ofc my fave ones are recced but every story and the projects themselves deserve endless love and ♡
  • Let's Fall In Love - kaisoo oneshots. the author's style is exactly my cup of tea

various pairings

  • Action! - baeksoo, pornstar au (I shipped baeksoo nd sekai before kaisoo bye)
  • endgame - mafia!au. believe me or not i used to ship sekai (now only brotp) and this is the only fic that stuck with me among all sekai fics;;
  • Primadonna Girls - fem!exo. prob my first crack fic that i read as an exo newbie. oh the memories. their journal isn't accessible anymore ;;
  • That Splash Of Color - taohun, bff!sekai. This fic is one of my most non-kaisoo fave. Tao gets Sehun whipped and freaking lov sekai, the best broship ever
  • Slow Motion - sukai bUUUT it's f amazing ok jongin's first time w/ experienced bf and it's so sweet and gross all kisses and cuddles aaaaaaakfjw rly ;u;
  • 180 degress - fucktoy!au lukai/kaisoo/hansoo t/n: idk what happened most of kaisoo fics were taken down from their lj ;;;;;
  • Spin The Bottle - this fic i swear...! Prob the most famous genderbend fic, various pairings and ofc my Kaisoo <33 lol Soo is so sassy and Jongin is cheeky and boyish
    • My First Kiss (went a little like this) - KAISOO SEQUEL BUT IT'S TAKEN DOWN HOW CAN I CARRY ON LIVING W/O IT;; (i'm really upset inkin_brushes took all kaisoo fics off her lj,..why...)
apr 30 2015 ∞
sep 24 2017 +