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sorry for typos and emotionally unstable summaries

if you like any fic linked in this list, please let the author know by leaving a comment/kudos! just smth short like "hey I found this fic and I love it so much" means the world! The more we engage, the more likely they'll post and update their fics. Magical things happen when readers care!!!


listography NEW NEWS
  • adorableprince - her works are magic, daddysoo
  • everything from thesockmonster/thetwistedstar - Bunny is the queen TuT, fatal-fangirl
  • Freedom of Love - slave!au. Fantastic story, the plot progression is slow and steady but god, the smut THE SMUT here. it's so descriptive, arousing and fucking hot, it's absolutely maddening. And amazing -∇-
  • chocksi, lotusk, RucaBabyotic - Ruca senpai, wreck me
  • sessny
  • its still a feeling
  • damned if i do you (damned if i don't) - actual love making that's hot af + sexy sweet talk, my major turn on <333
  • White Knuckles - fitness trainer soo :--) jongin's pretty flexible which is hot considering how soo bends him in every possible ways
  • Naught To Hundred - racer!kai + police!ksoo (mr. police officer Do punishing that naughty ass of Jongin's lmao) /the second chapter is topkai though but it's still v good
  • kaisoo's cute and hot morning sex - daddysoo is my goddess and she has a pletiful of kaisoo smut among her drabbles! jongin has ksoo for breakfast UNF (read all her works)
  • Love Lifts Us Up - pilot au. this Mr. Author knows what's up
  • Iris - who doesn't know this omg
  • Earned It - jock!au. top!soo, size queen jongin is akffkjd and Kyungsoo is HUNG gdi im so asdfjlfs yeah
  • Baby, It's Cold outside - domestic, fluff asf I can't even. It will make you warm, cozy, and toasty
  • deer in the headlights - after the night of a graduation party kyungsoo finds a cute chibi drawing + phone number on his shirt and he decides to dial the number. (Jongin's dog's name here *v* explodes tho)
  • funky at heart - this makes my heart flutter! jongin is such a lovely dork who is head over heels for kyungsoo so he secretly sends to his crush bouquets every week instead of confessing him directly...and a misunderstanding ensues!
apr 9 2015 ∞
dec 23 2018 +