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sorry for typos and emotionally unstable summaries

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listography NEW NEWS
  • Silver Fox (Or Halfway There) - family au, established relationship. they have a daughter and her friends talk about kyungsoo being a DILF which confuses jongin as he doesnt know what that is : and is ver happy to find out what the means :D so sweet!
  • Heart on Your sleeve - trip au, bestfriends with pining jongin and quite oblivious kyungsoo
  • Falling and First Kisses - soo is 16 and nini is 15. jongin hasn't had his first kiss yet when he sees sehun and kyungsoo telling about his experience. sweet as heck!
  • Well-Loved - just shy jongin who is getting an autograph from his fav author do kyungsoo :>
  • Goodbye Summer - childhood au, kid au. kaisoo growing up together. jongin buys a lemonade from soo who wants to save money to visit his bestfriend in korea. they grow up together an jongin falls in love w soo but still helps him save they money ;;;; pining and happy ending, still one of my favest ever.
  • Composed - they are forced to work together on a song/dance project and kyungsoo slacks off while jongin is very punctual fgjdfjg
  • (i bet you want to) wrap me all up - thicc soo in a wool sweater baking makes jongin blush and daydream ^^
  • if you call, i'll come to you - Soo finds a puppy Monggu..and seems like Monggu isn't the only puppy Kyungsoo ends up with (Jongin here is so cute and shy) <3
  • In Bloom - chaptered. This one is a classic. Shy Jongin is a florist who has a huge crush on Soo and secretly sends bouquets to the company where Soo works. Also ot12 appearance<3
  • McDonalds - this cute af!!! Jongin orders chicken everyday just to see the cute delivery guy ◕ヮ◕
  • Sun Screen, Caramel Tans and Rainbow Umbrellas - Kyungsoo hates going to the beach but then he meets a very hot lifeguard with a caramel tan and kissable lips -v-
  • wonderful unknown - sweet, fluffy, lovely. quiet, shy barista jongin crushes on his senior from his class
  • Blackboards and Sweet Things - teacher!soo is so cute and awk and jongin has a sweet tooth *u*
  • Pepero Kiss - Kaisoo in We Got Married :>
  • please be sure to read the fine print - hs!au jongin leaves a poem to kyungsoo, the class president. major cuteness and dorkiness this fic ;;
  • Model!au - heavily underappreciated piece. Oh and Jongdae's comments tho
  • Candy Coated - hs!au. Halloween fic omg I'm crying with laughter at the costume choices, Luhan is a sluty bunny, Jongdae is a crack whore and Soo is a Pumpking. And bff!sekai is gold. loev this!!!!
  • This Could Be Messy - neighbors kaisoo with mutual pining!!! *u*
  • Self-Discovery - they go on a trip to Europe together which makes jongin all jittery because he's got a huuuge crush on kyungsoo ueheh
  • Manhattan's Elite - ot12 but of course, kaisoo centered. You gotta love rich, pampered, NYC's high society that's exo here *u*
  • Sweater Weather - kyungsoo's husband doesn't want to wear soo's own knitted sweaters as they're according to jongin's words /embarrassing/ but that makes soo unhappy and jongin apologises. bless for thicc soo and his warm hugs!
  • Et Lire Entre Les Lignes - uni au w shy awkward crushing nini and popular handsome gentleman ksoo (AMAZING AMAZING AM-)
  • do you like my sweater? - it's a festival season and jongin wants to ask kyungsoo to go with him but he's shy. also he has a sweater his mom made for him and thinks it's. kyungsoo will ask him out first anyway ;)
apr 12 2015 ∞
jul 21 2019 +