list icon
  • i wasn't drunk
  • i took a modeling class, that's how i know
  • i was drunk
  • let's hang out next weekend
  • yes, i'll go on a date with you
  • i didn't prank call her
  • that {cup, drink, object, etc.} isn't mine
  • i was/am sick
  • i missed the bus
  • i was born in scotland
  • i stayed late at school
  • no, i'm not going to be sick
  • he's just here because he had extra time before work. so we're watching a movie to pass time
  • yeah, i don't really like that {food,person, movie, etc.}
  • i have to go do a family thing
  • i called you, but it just rang and rang. never even went to voicemail
  • my e-mail is on the fritz
  • traffic was really bad
  • um, yeah, i read that book/watched that movie. but it was a long time ago
  • i went to a party
mar 14 2008 ∞
mar 14 2008 +