- western washington
- modest mouse
- my kitten
- books
- mustaches
- boys
- thai food
- italian food
- laughing
- good friends
- grey's anatomy
- things in technicolor
- hummingbirds
- sleeping
- rain
- windstorms
- my car
- holiday flavors at starbucks
- starbucks in general
- seattle
- some people in my family
- good beer
- good alcohol in general
- interesting conversation
- working at the fruit stand
- summer
- being warm, especially when it's really cold outside
- muuuusic
- dancing
- shoes
- old movies
- food
- a good bottle of wine
- canada
- people watching
- when it's pooooouring down rain, i love sitting in my car with a hot cup of coffee and a good book, waiting for the ferry. i don't know how i can put any more seattle sterotypes into one event.
dec 16 2007 ∞
jan 6 2008 +