i am going to try to give one thought that really ran through my head during each day

  • 9/17: "everything you do is a step ladder. each time you get a little bit farther, give everything you have, and move on to something better."
  • 9/18: "i can't let other people's negativity get me down"
  • 9/19: "i'm a lot more capable than i give myself credit to."
  • 9/20: "a vast majority of my class believes in blogs as journalism and wikis but haven't contributed to a wiki or maintain a blog, so are we static surfers?"
  • 9/21: "eating soul food requires mental preparation, and a full body clean afterwards."
  • 9/22: "what is finding time for everything?"
  • 9/23: "i must try to maintain that same attentiveness and study pattern i always start off with."
  • 9/24: "i'm just excited and on that wave of adrenaline"
  • 9/25: "i need to figure a more budget conscious avenue for my diet"
  • 9/26: "why do i spend so much time on the paper?"
  • 9/27: "i'm here, i'm paying to be here, i want to be here. i am going to make the most of it and not halfway do things."
  • 9/28: "priorities-what am i supposed to do?"
  • 9/28: "i do love the rain when i can sleep,wear the reporter jacket, and have some tomato soup."
  • 9/29: "i know about the chef and i know i can speak in front of them all"
  • 9/30: "what a gatsby evening"
  • 10/1: "i miss ben and our classy evenings together"
  • 10/2: "after a day of reading about the byzantines, a purple party is great."
  • 10/3: "I know i shouldn't be jealous, but maybe it's that I need to start doing things differently"
  • 10/4: "all of that work coming together to make one great product that i'm absolutely excited about"
  • 10/5: i'm lucky to have a support system that's a phone call away.
  • 10/6: what a wonderfully relaxing evening filled with mellow music, german accents, weird moves, sweet potato soup, and conniptive conversation.
  • 10/7: i really need to start a blog called table scraps.
  • 10/8: favorite snacks and favorite people make for a wonderful and most anticipated and appreciated return home
  • 10/9: the best thing about butch cassidy and the sundance kid is their resilience
  • 10/10: i'm loving this relaxation
  • 10/11: what an interesting environment that i live in
  • 10/12: moving out day is the most ambivalent
  • 10/13: no water, lots to do, this ought to be an interesting retransition back to school
  • 10/14: no cynthia but great conversation.
  • 10/15: i need to go out for that bigger thing
  • 10/16: i have the best time catching up and wandering around
  • 10/17: indian food yes, writing all day...maybe not.
  • 10/18: i've been feeling very productive, busy, but optimistic.
  • 10/19: i love celebrating the birthdays of others just as much as my own
  • 10/20: i want to play drums in the 90s for bands like built to spill
  • 10/21: i fully feel uncomfortably full
  • 10/22: this day was a mixture of the junk with the class, and the irony with sincerity.
  • 10/23: this was a day of food, meeting prominent faces while getting back together with some old ones. i wouldn't have traded today easily.
  • 10/24: i'll quote hannah, or rather utilize one of her phrases: this was a bangin' weekend.
  • 10/25: i like how this semester has been shaping up and shaping me
  • 10/26: am i tired or am i checking out?
  • 10/27: i've had enough of this speech
  • 10/28: i really have had what i've needed from day one, and maybe we all do
  • 10/29: i can time warp, make milkshakes, gel my hair, carve a pumpkin-i feel very empowered
  • 10/30: photomissions good, but sometimes aimless rambling can be irritating
  • 10/31: a rather run-around and moe's centric halloween.
  • 11/1: trying not to be worried as hard as i can, and i think i'm doing a good job.
sep 18 2010 ∞
jan 7 2011 +